View Full Version : Leukemia Fears

20-11-18, 17:33
Hello, all. Today, I have discovered a new fear. Yesterday I went to see an allergy specialist for a post nasal drip which I thought was lung cancer. He re-checked out what I thought was a worrying swollen lymph node and said a lymph node that small means nothing. After he dismissed my lung and throat cancer fears, I realized something. Every day after my allergies had subsided I get muscle aches so easily! Everywhere! Every day is a new ache. One day will be my arm, next day my leg is sore, the next day my back hurts. You cannot make up pain. Now I feel dumb having not mentioned this at my doctors yesterday. He took a blood test because 3 years ago I was vitamin deficient in vitamin D and he wanted to make sure I no longer was deficient of a vitamin. Now I'm stressing. To my friends and family I sound ridiculous, but as for me, I feel this pain, I know it is real! Instead of testing for vitamin deficiences I wish I had mentioned to check my blood count. Now I will fear leukemia until I get another blood test. But this time feels real. The best thing was the brief moment of relief after my doctors appointment. After he had rest assured me I did have many allergies and a deviated septum that was causing throat problems. I just want to enjoy life and be worry free. :[

20-11-18, 17:46
That is such a typical response to a paid reassurance trip to the doctor. Maybe you should give the doctor a call back to talk about your health anxiety :shades:

Positive thoughts

20-11-18, 17:54
That is such a typical response to a paid reassurance trip to the doctor. Maybe you should give the doctor a call back to talk about your health anxiety :shades:

Positive thoughts

Honestly, I fear if I would, they would put it on record and dismiss all my health issues in the future. In addition, I feel as though this time is a true cause for concern to further investigate. Although I have felt like it was something to be investigated many times before..

20-11-18, 18:03
Honestly, I fear if I would, they would put it on record and dismiss all my health issues in the future. In addition, I feel as though this time is a true cause for concern to further investigate. Although I have felt like it was something to be investigated many times before..

I can tell you as an allergy sufferer for years they can and do cause body aches.

21-11-18, 01:32
I ended up going to urgent care and he was kind of doubtful of how I can feel a different kind of pain every day. He said to ease my mind he will order every kind of blood and urine test that could cause joint pain and if it comes back clear that I should see a therapist. So now we wait 5-7 days. I only hope that if it does come back clear, I do not find another thing to fear.

23-11-18, 10:53
Well if you do have blood cancer they would call you within hours, not leave it 5-7 days that is for sure. I am currently going through a similar blood panic as you, but that reassured me.