View Full Version : Slightly Worried About Headache

20-11-18, 18:30
Hey All,

I haven't been around in a little bit. Overall, I've been doing pretty well honestly. I've really been attempting to come to terms with the fact that, surprise, everyone must die and some die young and some die old.

To be honest, I had a pretty big perspective shift after self-medicating with psychedelic mushrooms a couple of months ago. I had a strong realization that someone that is afraid of dying would then make every effort to live the best life they possibly could. I still thought about cancer since then but am a lot better at telling myself: "OK, what if it is cancer? So what? Do I die like a sniffling coward?" ... At least man up and die with courage and honor.

However, I'm feeling some old fears resurface after having a headache the past few days. I took Trazadone on Friday night because I was having trouble sleeping the previous few days. I woke up Saturday morning feeling like a got punched in the head and semi-off balance throughout the day. The headache hasn't been as severe Sunday, Monday, or today but it's still present. I also have a slight motion sickness feeling.

I keep a health journal on my computer so I searched the file for "headache" and saw that last time I recorded headache (and off balance feeling) was also the day after taking Trazadone - which seems like an ... odd coincidence.

I know I should probably chalk it up to me not being at all compatible with Trazadone but I'm still fighting some fears it's a brain tumor ... sigh.

It feels pretty similar to other headaches I've had before... slightly motion sick feeling, which for some reason makes me really thirsty as well.

I don't know - I just wanted to type out my thoughts here and see if anyone else had any feedback.

20-11-18, 19:06
Trazadone (don't know this med, so looked it up)

Side effects...

Muscle ache.
Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, or stomachache.
Constipation or diarrhea.
Loss of interest in sex (erectile dysfunction in men)
Dizziness or loss of balance.
Dry mouth or dry eyes.
Numbness, burning, or tingling sensations.

So, you've had the same thing last time you took the medication, and have actually logically answered your own concern. The drug clearly doesn't suit you, AT ALL, and I'd not be having it again if you feel this unwell after taking it. Brain tumours don't just happen overnight, that is unequivocally true.

21-11-18, 02:04
Are you taking it occasionally? It's an antidepressant and normally taken daily. Like all antidepressants side effects can be experienced until your body adjusts to it.

Having a listed side effect isn't an indication of a lack of suitability, it's a list of things you may experience until your body adjusts. It's more a matter of how bad side effects are or any allergic reaction.

21-11-18, 02:54
It's not just an antidepressant, it's also a sedative and prescribed at times to be taken for sleep when needed... In fact I know more people that are prescribed this medication for sleep than I do ones who take it for other reasons...

I use to take this for sleep and I too woke up the next day with a bad headache and almost like a hangover type feeling without the sick stomach.

21-11-18, 03:06
Just a suggestion. I had extreme insomnia while going through treatment. They gave me Ambien and unfortunately I had an 'Ambien episode' which I won't get into details here. Needless to say I understand why people avoid it :wacko:

My docs told me to take a Sudafed. It worked great and had the additional benefit of clearing my sinuses ;) Might be worth a shot.

Positive thoughts

21-11-18, 03:18
It's not just an antidepressant, it's also a sedative and prescribed at times to be taken for sleep when needed... In fact I know more people that are prescribed this medication for sleep than I do ones who take it for other reasons...

I use to take this for sleep and I too woke up the next day with a bad headache and almost like a hangover type feeling without the sick stomach.

Yes, there have been people on here who have taken it for insomnia. The same with Mirtazapine. However, they all took it for longer periods which meant getting beyond any side effect windows.

I know what you mean about the next day. I had to use Zopiclone for insomnia and after the first couple of weeks I started feeling like a zombie for hours upon waking. It was taking me over an hour just to crawl out of bed.

21-11-18, 03:19
My docs told me to take a Sudafed. It worked great and had the additional benefit of clearing my sinuses ;) Might be worth a shot.

Positive thoughts

Zzquil (and off brand) has gotten me through many sleepless nights.. it's non addictive and 1/2 a dose works great.

21-11-18, 03:33
Zzquil (and off brand) has gotten me through many sleepless nights.. it's non addictive and 1/2 a dose works great.

Yeah... Nyquil here... knocks me out! :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

22-11-18, 21:24
My head is still kinda off today. Just kinda general mild headache. It’s been 5 days now. Has anyone ever had a headache for 5 or more days and it not been something serious.

Catherine S
22-11-18, 21:32
Yes, alot of different kinds of headaches can last days, some can last weeks, and others for months...without being sinister. Namely, tension headaches, sinus headaches, allergies, neuralgia, migraines and cluster headaches which are extremely painful and can disrupt people's lives for months on end. My own one-sided headaches last usually around 4 days before receding. I've learned to live with them.

Cath S

22-11-18, 22:36
Has anyone ever had a headache for 5 or more days and it not been something serious.

I've had headaches that lasted for several weeks, it's never been anything. Sometimes I can guess at what it's from, most of the time I have no idea.

22-11-18, 23:09
I have a coworker who has recurring migraine headaches who has a headache more days than not, poor thing. She's been tested in every possible way, even at Mayo, and it's just migraines. It happens.

23-11-18, 01:42
I went through a period in my anxiety where I had months of daily headaches.

I found removing cheese & ham (often eaten together) helped as they are a migraine trigger.

Grinding/clenching and muscular tension are all ways to have constant headaches with anxiety too.

23-11-18, 06:16
I've often been through times in my life when I've had headaches for days or weeks on end. It stinks, but I'm fairly sure I'm not dead yet ;)

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... headache is apparently a side effect of the meds you're taking, so chances are you just got hit a little harder than average. Headaches are nasty beasts but the vast majority won't harm you, and the harmful kinds tend to make themselves obvious.

Not trying to minimise what you're going through (not when I'm perfectly capable of spending five hours falling down the Google-hole myself), but at some point, some small part of you needs to recognise that yes, you're sick, and that sickness is anxiety.

23-11-18, 12:24
Are you taking it occasionally? It's an antidepressant and normally taken daily. Like all antidepressants side effects can be experienced until your body adjusts to it.

Having a listed side effect isn't an indication of a lack of suitability, it's a list of things you may experience until your body adjusts. It's more a matter of how bad side effects are or any allergic reaction.

How are you taking the Traz?