View Full Version : Dad's psa pancreas blood test gone from 6-9

20-11-18, 23:31
Hi has anyone had a prostate blood test.
My dad has been being monitored for few months now where his blood test has been around 6.
He had an mri which looked ok but because of his hip operation they couldn't see it fully.
So he went back last week for a check up and another blood test and the results have jumped from 6 to 9 I heard the norm is 4 or below.he is now having a biopsy Thursday to check for cancer.
Has anyone else had high psa results and been ok

21-11-18, 00:18

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21-11-18, 07:40
56 view wow and no response

21-11-18, 09:06
Do you mean prostrate, not pancreas?
How old is your dad?

21-11-18, 09:39
Prostate he's 66

21-11-18, 09:47
Well I’m not a dr, and to my knowledge no one is on here, so I can’t give you a useful medical opinion. The main thing is that it is being checked out. If there is a problem it will be dealt with. I do know from my own father (who is a doctor), that prostate cancer in men older than 60 is very common but that is usually something they die “with not of”. In other words it is usually not very aggressive (it tends to me more aggressive - and rarer- in younger men). But none of that is useful information. The useful stuff will come from your dad’s own doctors. Good luck to him and you

21-11-18, 15:07

21-11-18, 17:48
56 view wow and no response

They are not all real people though

22-12-18, 21:02
My Dad had prostate cancer that was first discovered in the psa count test a year prior to being diagnosed. I don't know what the numbers were but it was enough the Dr. was concerned and wanted to watch it. A year later, numbers went up and he had scans and biopsy and he was diagnosed. He had his prostate removed and had radiation afterward. He was in his late 50s at the time, this was back in 2009. He's been doing great ever since, he did get thyroid cancer in 2016 but it wasn't related. He had that removed and radiation again and doing great! He's now 65 years old.