View Full Version : Low Back/Hip/Leg Pain/Urine Tract Issues

21-11-18, 01:15
Hi everyone it’s been a while since I have been in here but a few weeks ago I had a bad cold/flu virus I ached all over and had joint pain and shivers, vominited and have felt pretty run down since. A week or so before I fell ill I kept feeling a sudden urge to urinate when I moved in a certain way and started to get pain to the lower left of my spine like a spasm pain. I thought it was the start of a UTI so drank lots and then fell ill with the cold/flu type virus. A week after falling ill I had really aching legs and hips and lower back and then came on my period and the symptoms seemed to ease off a bit. However, they have gotten worse now and it’s all across the top of my buttocks into my hips and down my legs and I have a pain on and off where my bladder is and a lot of popping like gas. I went to see the doctor who tested my urine and said there was no infection present but that I was presenting signs of a UTI. He prescribed me three days worth of antibiotics and I’m on the first day, I was getting a normal stream of wee and needing to go quite a lot but now I’m getting a trickle since this afternoon and I’m petrified it’s something serious, I’ve seen so may different things it could be and it’s scaring me. I just want the pain to go away. My mum said not to worry and it sounds like a touch of sciatica but I’m worrying about ovarian cancer, bladder cancer, losing feeling in my lower body and needing surgery or an infection in my spine or bone cancer the list is endless! Has anyone else suffered with this kind of thing after a bout of flu?

21-11-18, 01:20
Oh my! I could have written this myself. I'm having the EXACT same issues! I wish I had something to offer you but I'm still looking for/struggling myself!

21-11-18, 01:23
I think I just commented on yours hun. I too wish I could help you but it’s nice to not feel alone,

21-11-18, 01:25
I just saw that actually! I was just about to comment here! Like I don't know what to do, I haven't been given bloods or a ultrasound and I'm to scared to ask for anything more as I'm scared of crying wolf to often. I hope everything goes okay for you! I have all the same issues and fears. I'm so scared yet I'm sorry you're dealing with this also!

21-11-18, 01:31
Well I saw a trainee doctor and said I was worried about ovarian cancer and he said he would order some routine bloods and a pelvic ultrasound as I had a cyst years ago. I think if I had seen my usual doctor who knows I suffer with health anxiety I wouldn’t have gotten those tests so easily as every other test he has sent me for has come back fine and I feel stupid then. But very much relieved!

21-11-18, 01:34
I really hope everything goes okay for you! Sending so many positive vibes x. Like I saw my gp last Monday but I feel like I've gotten worse/ didn't explain it right. You know that stuff! I got so freaked out since, I don't even need google! My mind fills me in and I have all the same fears as you! Like I have to drop in a urine sample tomorrow I'm wondering if I should push for more? I'm not sure!! So sorry for like taking over your thread. It's like I could see so much of what was happening to me in this!!

21-11-18, 01:47
No honestly that’s fine hun that is why I put it up I would ask to see the doctor again and explain what you are worried about. I have aching in my thighs and hips so much at the moment while I’m writing this I’m even worried about blood clots. I am a firm believer if you want your mind put at rest ask lots of questions and a test if you are still not convinced