View Full Version : Warm face at afternoon/night

21-11-18, 01:43
Around 4 pm my face neck and back get pretty warm I had my temp checked and It was low fever level but I'm not sure if it is a fever.

21-11-18, 02:02
Same thing happens to me.. these last few days I just stopped thinking about it I’ve been kinda busy but I have checked and it hasn’t happened as bad. I’m thinking it really may be anxiety. How long has it been happening what was your temp when you checked and are you stressed out or anxious at all?

21-11-18, 02:10
Yes, I am definitely anxious about a lot of things. I'm a hypochondriac so one day I think I'm having a stroke and the other I think I have Rabies

My temp was around low fever area I don't remember

21-11-18, 02:17
May I ask how old you are?

Positive thoughts

21-11-18, 02:25
Could you explain why age is important in this? I'm not going through menopause just so you know.

21-11-18, 02:50
Just wondering if you're 18 or under. I ask due to the posting pattern you exhibit.

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