View Full Version : Feeling exhausted and weak

28-08-07, 13:00
Since I started with bronchitis a few weeks ago my anxiety has gone sky high, ive been paranoid about pneumonia etc... ive had myself in a right state and with 3 kids to take care of ive found it very difficult to get through each day.

I have had alot of pressure on me the last few weeks, im supposed to be starting uni next month to do a midwifery degree and ive been totally doubting myself because of my anxiety and because im not sure if im ready to leave my 3 young children (5yrs,3yrs and 2yrs) I am riddled with guilt over it but ive worked so hard to get my place.

The last few days I have had a fuzzy/heavy head every morning which I thought might be sinus related as I always suffer and ive just had a cough/cold but ive of course been worrying ive chronic sinusitis because I sem to be getting alot of chest/sinus problems this year and im panicking about meningitis/brain absesses which are a complication of sinusitis, rare though. Surely if I had chronic sinusitis I wouldnt' be able to breath out of my nose at all? has anyone had chronic sinusitis and reassure me over this? I had a ct scan last yr and all was clear but this year ive been having lots of sinus pains.

Today I just feel awful, really really exhausted, weak, eyes are so so heavy and giddy. I feel like i could go to sleep, I did yesterday afternoon, not like me at all. Could anxiety cause me to feel this lethargic and hazy? I am under alot of stress at the moment. I am also anxious about brain tumours/clots, my friend is in hospital at the moment with a bleed on the brain and has had a stroke so maybe thats praying on my mind but I honestly am not imagining my symptoms like people think. I feel totally exhausted and weak. I am not feeling sick and my temperature is normal but I just don't feel good at all.

I go to bed most nights around 11ish so im alseep by 11.30pm, my daughter often wakes around 3-4am and I give her a bottle which she has a quick drink of and nods back off, im usually back to sleep within 10 minutes and then the boys wake me around 5.45-6am, they watch tv in our bedroom while I snooze abit longer but obviously im not asleep really. I have always had this much sleep so I can't see thats whats causing it.

I have had bloods taken in the last 3 weeks so im not concerned at all about anything cancerous or my iron, all normal.

Argh can anyone help or relate to these feelings? I wish I could just shake this off today and wake up abit and feel fine. I have been out into town but I still feel totally drained.

28-08-07, 13:05
I forgot to add that ive had my cough almost 6 weeks now, I can't see my GP until the 10th September so thats worrying me aswell. My cough doesn't feel chesty now but I have a slight pain across right side when I do cough but I guess thats a slight strain. I saw a dr last week who said my chest now sounded normal so not to worry.

Twice last week when I got up after dressing my kids, I walked into the utility room to put their clothes in the wash and I had white lights in my eyes, it scared me so much but after 30 seconds it went. My BP is fine 106/68, my mum took it to reassure me. I am still anxious it might happen again even though ive had people tell me its common and it happens when you get up very quickly.

28-08-07, 13:08
Hi Cherry

Sorry to hear your feeling well and hope your bronchitus is better.

Just wanted to say that your not alone, i also have bad sinus problems, been blocked in every hole in my head, just felt like my head was going to explode, so i think that the sinus thing is just anxiety, i also get so tired, sometimes too exhausted to walk up the stairs, i think maybe you are feeling lethargic because your brain is just too tired from the worry and everyday life, i'm sure once your body goes back into a routine you'll feel better, but try and do something for yourself and look forward to university.

I know that leaving your children is very hard if you've not done so before, but you have plenty of time to catch up with them and you'll still be a great mum, but if you've worked so hard to get into uni then don'r let it stop you, my auntie waited 15 years to go to uni and be a nurse just so her children were grown up and she's always thought back and said she would have done it sooner,

I think cherry you just need to do something for you and you'll feel better, you'll have something to distract you from your worrying thoughts

wish you all the luck for the future


28-08-07, 13:11
Also on the white light thing

Always happens to me when i get up to quikly or a bright lit room, its scary but it goes away very quickly so really nothing to worry about


28-08-07, 13:15
Sammy thank you so so much, you reply has been so helpful and supportive.

So how do you deal with your sinus problems? what has your GP said? I had a ct scan last year which was clear but this year im suffering alot and I remenber everything I used to google which doesn't help the good old anxiety;-)

28-08-07, 13:22
Oh cherry believer me i know the google trouble, every little pain is a blood clot lol, so i give up on google, i don't really deal with it just have to ignore it sometimes decongestants relieve the pain if its bad, i have yet to see my gp but all test came back normal, maybe its the weather.

sinus probs can be linked with anything and if you have a cough aswell then maybe i cold is coming or maybe just need to boost your immune system


28-08-07, 13:29
Thanks Sammi,
I have seen my GP loads about my sinuses and they have told me that meningitis etc is very rare so not to panic.

I think my anxiety is just sky high and I need to relax. I have so much on my plate at the moment.

I have had a cough & cold since the bronchitis, GP last week said chest is clear and I will be left with a cold for a while.

28-08-07, 13:34
Ah you see no need to worry then, all that will really truly reassure you is when it goes, so i should just try to make the cold worry second prority and worry about what your going to wear to uni lol

I hope that everything goes well

I hope that talking has made you feel a little better and now you just need to relax, read a book or bath or have a cup of tea, or fun things like crafts and stuff or singing loudly and badly as i do :)

have a great day

28-08-07, 13:38
Thanks so much Sammi:-)

31-08-07, 19:46
it is a shame you are not logged on at moment. I am new to site and nobody has looked at or replied to my messages - im not sure im doinng things correctly. For a while now i have wondered if there is a correlation between HA and having smalll children. I have always had Ha but now i would say it is out of control. I get up every day for my children which is a good thing because otherwise i think it would have got the better of me.

01-09-07, 15:58
My panic attacks got worse recently after a chest infection/flu...I wonder if there is a link?....

02-09-07, 10:43
I think so, ive felt really low and confidence is rock bottom. I went out yesterday adn had a panic attack, not had them in years. I think it just makes you very low when you have been quiet poorly, im still getting over my illness so feeling rough still at times. Isn't nice is it.

03-09-07, 15:57
Your all correct, you are more prone to panic and anxiety when you are tired, as your brain is just emotionally exhausted, and what wipes you out better then a good illness to keep you in bed,

I've at the moment got tonsilitus so i'm feeling really rough and my panic attacks have come back, no where near fun lol but got to keep going, hoe you all feel better
