View Full Version : something I found interesting

28-08-07, 14:55
I've always had this scary feeling that my heartrate was too high or low!! Scares the crap out of me at times. Sometimes it feels like my heart is going to pound right out of my chest and then sometimes I check my pulse and think my heartrate is too slow!!!

As some of you know I'm currently in a Anatomy and Physiology class that is kicking my rear big time but I read something that really hit home for me and thought I would share it :winks:

Most systems of our body are regulated by what is called negative feedback mechanisms. Our body functions are meant to be at a certain normal range. Blood pressure and heart rate for example.
Here is the example they give in the book...
The receptors that monitor blood pressure are located within large blood vessels near the heart. If blood pressure increases slightly, the receptors detect the increased blood pressure and send that information to the control center in the brain. the control center causes heart rate to decrease, resulting in a decrease in blood pressure. If blood pressure decreases slightly, the receptors inform the control center, which increases heart rate, producing an increase in blood pressure. As a result, blood pressure is maintained within a normal range.

So my thought was - I wonder if we are so conscious of every little change in our bodies waiting for something to go wrong:winks:
that we experience this little change and of course perceive it to be something horrible!!!! LOL
Just thought that was interesting:winks:

28-08-07, 15:02
Thanks for this. I know I am guilty of that. I am constantly on 'red alert' scanning my body for any changes - then bamm - panic/anxiety cycle starts when something does change.

Thanks for sharing this with us.

Have a good day

28-08-07, 16:51
I agree, definately think we are on high alert looking for something and then we find it so we panic about it, what a silly thing to do lol

thanks eeyore

28-08-07, 18:40
thanks for sharing, it is something that I certainly know I do.