View Full Version : Ecoli worries

21-11-18, 10:26
Hey, I just heard that US citizens and canadians are instructed to not eat romaine lettuce as it might contain the ecoli bacteria. I don’t live in the us or canada but I think I’ve had some romaine lettuce within the last week in burgers (not sure which lettuce they use exactly or if it’s imported from somewhere as it was a fast food chain) as well as some ready made sandwiches from a store that probably contained romaine lettuce.

I’ve had some sudden, fairly quick-passing but also fairly intense pain especially in my upper abdomen lately (abdominal pain being a symptom of ecoli) and I’m wondering if I should go get tested for it just in case.

21-11-18, 14:26
I saw this in the news yesterday and I knew it would show up on the boards :lac: My wife and I use romaine and eat salad at least twice a week for dinner. We're fine! We're just not going to buy it until this scare is over. No biggie.

I think it was something like 50 people took ill. Think about that. 50 people out of ALL the people that consumed romaine in the US and Canada. You don't even know if the leaf or so of lettuce was romaine and you're not sick so :shrug:

Positive thoughts

21-11-18, 14:31
I’m in the US and my entire family just ate romaine right before hearing about the CDC warning so I am quite concerned.

26-11-18, 06:55
Hello. I am also a suffer of health anxiety, been for about 2 years. I usually don’t respond to posts but I know that it can be hard to control our emotions over a certain disease. So I wants to try and help. When I was 16 I had Ecoli infection. Your symptoms are nothing like it, even my doctor agreed. You know how I knew something was wrong? I woke up one morning and pissed blood. Did I freak out? Not really cause I didn’t have HA back then, but it was alarming for sure. Went to hospital and they tested positive for ecoli. It’s typically not a life threatening disease. Was prescribed antibiotics and just peed blood for a week or two then it went away. I’m not saying this to scare you, but to tell you that the main symptom of ecoli is a large amount of blood in urine or stool. Hope this helped

26-11-18, 13:08
I’m in the US and my entire family just ate romaine right before hearing about the CDC warning so I am quite concerned.

Us too... I love romaine and getting sick of all the issues with it. We are all fine but can you imagine the financial loss for farmers, grocers, restaurants? This is the second time this year. :lac: