View Full Version : Ears / dizyness

22-11-18, 13:33
So here we go again last night out of nowhere I became aware of my ear sounds muffled one side only best way to describe it is it sounds something is muffled in there when I stick my finger in it goes . Scary symptom also feel dizzy now but I think this is my anxiety playing tricks on me because of my ear :( sick of feeling like this constantly on edge worrying I’m going to drop dead

27-11-18, 09:05
Could be inner ear infection I am dealing with cricket noises feeling of fluid or something in my ear, feeling off balance and an icky tummy.

27-11-18, 23:23
I had similar recently and turned out I needed my ear syringed at the doctors, it was full of revolting wax! I had no idea as I never have waxy ears, but that's because it was all just building up deep inside. Made massive difference after I had that done, the muffled sound and tinnitus I'd put up with for weeks was suddenly gone. Could also be anxiety making it seem worse though, I remember when I was going through one of my worst anxiety flare ups I got lots of ear symptoms and ringing etc.

27-11-18, 23:45
Aussie thanks for the suggestion maybe that is what is causing mine however my sound isn't muffled just the opposite, noise sensitive never used to be