View Full Version : Test says I am preg. Dr. says I am not?

28-08-07, 17:02
Hello-Did a reg. pregnancy test on Sat. it said preg. Monday went to the OB Dr. and the Beta HCG Blood test was under 1 and she says I am not pregnant? I did a test today-Tue.- it was a 4 days sooner pregnancy test and it says that I am-I don't want to be and I am so SCARED-any advice-I am going through crazy times right now!

28-08-07, 18:01
why dont you take your test results to actually show the gp what your test says ? surely if you have purchased 2 test sticks and they both say pregnant then you must be I would imagine ?

Im sorry I dont understand what OBB and HCG means ?

either way it will sort its self out one way or another , take care and let us know how you get on .

28-08-07, 18:30
Hi Crystal,

Get a blood test from your doctor, that will be the most accurate. Sometimes the urine test is not accurate. It wasn't for me, I didn't have the hormone that stated I was pregnant in the home test for 2 months when I actually was! Good luck!


28-08-07, 18:40
Yes the blood test said no yesterday and the home one said yes saturday and today?! Before and after the beta HCG test?

28-08-07, 18:49
I was always under the impression that home pregnancy tests are pretty accurate and that although you can have a "negative negative" you can't have a "negative positive". It sounds to me that the home tests are accurate, but obviously they conflict with what your GP has told you.

28-08-07, 20:41
maybe they got the blood results mixed up ????

28-08-07, 21:13
You can have a false positive pregnancy test .
It's usually due to just an increased level of female hormones.
I have had false positive home tests and went to the doc and was not pregnant.
HOWEVER - I would ask the doc - if you're not pregnant there what is the cause of your hormone levels being high.
Could be stress - could be something else - but he/she should be able to give you an answer as to why.

*edited to add *
My doc also told me not to use the tests with the +/- signs cuz they aren't as accurate - just thought I would throw that in here.

28-08-07, 21:23
We had the same years ago, Alice is 16 now, the doctors are not always right!

29-08-07, 08:17
A Beta level of less than one means you are not pregnant - nlood tests are much more reliable than home pregnancy tests, however just incase, Do another different brand Home Pregnancy test. If it comes up positive go back to your docs for another blood test - take the HPT or a photo on your mobile of the result.

The Fool
29-08-07, 15:11
pregnancy tests are not always acurate at all some times you have to to like 4 just to check its right and docters can be wrong to a friend of the family didnt no she was pregnant till she went into layber cuz the doc said it was a food alergy making her stomach swell so maybe you should consult a nother docter?