View Full Version : Stool test results — too scared to look!

20-11-18, 16:55
Hello all. Long LONG time HA sufferer here. Started as a kid; I’m 44 now.

My current situation: Saw doctor last week for routine checkup. Basic labs all came back normal, but I told him I’m terrified of colon cancer right now because I noticed my stools have become really sticky. He said let’s just play it safe and do a home fecal blood test.

Was doing okay but then I noticed on my chart that I had lost 5 pounds since my April visit, even though nothing changed in my diet or exercise. If anything I’ve been eating more and working out less since then.

He seemed unfazed but said let’s see the stool test. I finally sent it in today and now have to wait for results. I’m terrified.

Add to that the fact that I noticed my watch and wedding ring are now noticeably looser. That’s the part that really has me thrown because it’s not subjective — I’m not imagining it. It’s clear.

So, here I am waiting for stool test results and also noticing weight loss. And I just could use some co-pilots over the next few days if anyone is up for it.

Thanks friends.

20-11-18, 17:07
5 pound in 7 months? I think you're good.

Positive thoughts

20-11-18, 17:14
Thanks. I think why I’m worried about the weight loss is it could be five pounds in a month or shorter. I don’t weigh myself but nothing felt different until the last few weeks when I noticed my watch and ring not being as tight. Does that make sense? I’m thinking I’ve lost five pounds in the past few weeks and continue to lose.

Should add I’ve read the countless posts here about people losing weight from anxiety. I want to think that’s what’s happening. But this isn’t the first time I’ve had severe anxiety so why now would i lose weight?

20-11-18, 17:14
Had the same situation - my doctor didn't even want me to take the stool sample because she wasn't worried in the least. I was down more weight than you were in a shorter time period...again, she wasn't one bit concerned. She finally had me take the test (probably for my own sanity) and it came back perfectly normal. Yours will too!

20-11-18, 17:17
Had the same situation - my doctor didn't even want me to take the stool sample because she wasn't worried in the least. I was down more weight than you were in a shorter time period...again, she wasn't one bit concerned. She finally had me take the test (probably for my own sanity) and it came back perfectly normal. Yours will too!

Thanks Quack. Had you lost weight despite no changes in diet or exercise? As i said I’ve been eating more lately (new job, lunches on the house) so i was shocked to see weight loss.

20-11-18, 17:20
Even 5 pounds in a month is no big deal. The diet and exercise is not really a factor as one's weight can fluctuate that much in a few days. Heck, you can lose a few pounds with a good sit on the pot! The ring thing? Our hands can swell and shrink a bit depending on water retention as well as temperature. I find when it's colder, my ring is looser.

I know you're concerned but I really think you're good.

Positive thoughts

20-11-18, 17:28
I know I shouldnt even be asking this, but suppose the stool comes back positive for blood, and I am legit losing weight. Is there anything it could be besides colon cancer? Just terrified right now.

20-11-18, 17:32
Long LONG time HA sufferer here. Started as a kid; I’m 44 now.

Yep... very familiar pattern :shades: Let us know about the results.

Positive thoughts

20-11-18, 18:22
Does anyone by chance have any experience with a stool test that came back positive? Just trying to brace myself if that happens.

20-11-18, 18:30
I lost 6 pounds in one week because of the anxiety of my mom actually being disgnosed with colon cancer. So yes weight loss can be attributed to anxiety alone.

Also your weight can sway by 2-3 pounds based on what time of day it is.

You could have been wearing heavier clothes, shoes, and had a lot of food in your stomach the first time and the reverse the second time.

If it was like 20 lbs I would be like hmm that’s strange but 5 is nothing.

If your test comes back positive (as my mom’s did), I googled countless studies about positive stool tests = cancer. It depends on the test but the average was about 10% turned out to be cancer and 90% didn’t (benign polyp, hemmroids, chrons, IBS, ulcerative coiltis could also all turn it positive.)

I also am curious where you are getting sticky stool = colon cancer. From my obsessive googling on the subject, that was never a specific symptom I came across associates with the disease.

20-11-18, 18:32
I also am curious where you are getting sticky stool = colon cancer. From my obsessive googling on the subject, that was never a specific symptom I came across associates with the disease.

Thanks. I’m ashamed to say it’s from Dr Google. I know what they’re more concerned about is tarry, but sticky somehow yields same results. Ugh.

20-11-18, 18:35
Yeah I don’t think sticky and tarry are the same. Even if the Google bot brings them up. Tarry is dark black blood that is truly tar looking and greasy and smelly. It is also more commonly associated with bleeding higher in the GI tract (not the colon.)

Try changing your diet for a couple days and see what happens.

20-11-18, 18:50
Thanks. What’s weird — and worrying me — is that my diet hasn’t changed. I eat the same exact meals and snacks basically everyday. So I’m having these changes despite being like a robot when it comes to food.

Only changes are new stressful job (but not that stressful) and fewer trips to the gym.

20-11-18, 18:51
You can’t underestimate the affect anxiety has on your stomach.

For the last 6 weeks since my mom got diagnosed I haven’t been able to have a normal looking BM either and so obviously I thought I had colon cancer too. Spoiler alert: I didn’t.

20-11-18, 19:02

In the very similar situation - waiting for the stool results. Also lost several pounds in a relatively short period. I do not know what test you doctor ordered, but mine is Cologuard which takes 2 weeks! What f..ing test takes 2 weeks? Had I known how this waiting would affect my anxiety, I would have opted for a colonoscopy, although I am terrified of it, due to some stories about perforated colon, scopes not properly sterilized, flushing the good bacteria from the prep.. and so on. I am terrified, but this is the skin I live in and I have no choice but to wait, and pray.

You will be OK , and so would I.

20-11-18, 19:13
Hey Lana. Sorry you’re going through this as well but I guess it’s somewhat comforting to have some company. My test takes like a week they said. So nervous — and so nervous that each day I’m going to wake up and notice more weight loss. Argh!

20-11-18, 19:31
This is not in any way shape or form a significant amount of weight loss.

10% or more of your body weight loss WITHOUT trying is medically significant. So unless you weigh 50lbs (3.5 stone) or less (!) you have nothing to worry about.

20-11-18, 19:45
This is not in any way shape or form a significant amount of weight loss.

10% or more of your body weight loss WITHOUT trying is medically significant. So unless you weigh 50lbs (3.5 stone) or less (!) you have nothing to worry about.

That makes sense. But the reason I’m worried is that I may have lost all of that weight in the past four weeks. I don’t weigh myself regularly, so the only hard number I have before this visit is April. But what it feels like to me is that I was holding steady and then lost all of this quickly — which is why I’m noticing my ring and watch getting looser.

So my fear is that I’ll be even five pounds less if I weigh myself now — but of course I’m too scared to do that.

20-11-18, 19:45
This is not in any way shape or form a significant amount of weight loss.

10% or more of your body weight loss WITHOUT trying is medically significant. So unless you weigh 50lbs (3.5 stone) or less (!) you have nothing to worry about.


The stories I've heard/read regarding cancer weight loss is astounding. People losing 20-30lbs in weeks or a couple months without any effort.

Both of my grandparents have colon cancer, and my grandmother lost weight fast, along with tarry stools and a bowel obstruction.

They're both fine now (and they're in their 80s), and you will be too.

20-11-18, 19:55

The stories I've heard/read regarding cancer weight loss is astounding. People losing 20-30lbs in weeks or a couple months without any effort.

Both of my grandparents have colon cancer, and my grandmother lost weight fast, along with tarry stools and a bowel obstruction.

They're both fine now (and they're in their 80s), and you will be too.

Thanks. The reassurances are so helpful.

I think what keeps throwing me is: what if the 5 pounds they recorded at the doctor was the *first* five pounds and I’m continuing to lose fast. That’s why I’m so freaked by the fact that my ring and watch are getting looser. I’m convinced I’m still losing, but too scared to weigh myself. Ugh!

20-11-18, 20:00
A couple weeks ago I drank a lot of beer for a week of vacation, I weighed 178. Literally 3 days later I was down to 172. It happens, totally normal

20-11-18, 20:01
I also obsess about weight loss (combined with actually wanting to lose a bit of weight: conundrum!). I do think 5lbs doesn’t sound very much though, and you only noticed the other “indicators” of weight loss until after your appointment....... which suggests hyper vigilance and subjective interpretation to me.
And yes I’ve had blood in my stool before (panicked of course, had gastroscopies and colonoscopies off the back of it): SO many benign things can cause it, so EVEN if it’s there it almost certainly isn’t cancer.

20-11-18, 21:25
My weight loss was anxiety related, couldn't eat much, what I did eat went right through me. It all came back once I calmed down. Common stuff with anxiety.

As many here have said, don't stress (easy to say) about a handful of pounds. That's pretty much water weight. You'll be up or down a few during the course of any day.

20-11-18, 22:22
I hear you. And appreciate all the patience.

It’s not that I’m worried about losing 5 pounds. I know that happens. It’s that I’m worried that was the *first* 5 pounds, that I’m still losing, and that within a week I’ll be down even more.

I know there’s nothing I can do but wait and hope that’s not what happens, but as you all know, the uncertainty can be the hardest part of HA. And I’m too terrified to actually hop on a scale.

23-11-18, 15:30
Friends, my fecal blood test results are in via email and I’m too scared to look at them. How do you all deal with this?! So stuck!!

23-11-18, 15:36
Just look

23-11-18, 15:37

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

23-11-18, 15:43
Hope you get the answer you want

23-11-18, 15:44
Surely your doctor wouldn’t have released them if they were abnormal. Doesn’t the doctor see them first and then release to the patient?

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23-11-18, 15:58
I don’t believe doctor screens that way. Sometimes he adds an explanatory note but I’m pretty sure these just go directly to our chart via email.

23-11-18, 16:06
Ethan - are your results waiting in your email account right now? Have you opened them yet? xx

23-11-18, 16:10
Ethan - are your results waiting in your email account right now? Have you opened them yet? xx

Yes. They are just waiting for me to review. I feel totally paralyzed.

23-11-18, 16:11
so what are the results then?

23-11-18, 16:14
I have PM'd you Ethan xx

24-11-18, 20:41
Did you look?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

26-11-18, 20:04
I PMed you too. I was in the same situation, remember?

27-11-18, 14:12
Even a FOB test which shows blood doesn’t mean cancer. When my dad turned 65, he was invited to do the standard NHS screening. His showed blood so he was called in for a colonoscopy: turns out he had a large internal haemorrhoid and diverticulosis. (Pockets in his bowel which are very common as you get older!)
He has bouts of loose bms and constipation and it’s all due to this. We were all scared because my great aunt died of bowel cancer after years of being told she had ibs. Unfortunately for her, the screening came too late: she died in 1995 in her 70s.

27-11-18, 18:01

29-11-18, 15:11
Friends, thanks so much for the support. I am so grateful for this community.

Results were negative for blood in stool. So every test so far totally normal. Unfortunately I still appear to be losing weight despite eating normally (or more than normally), which has me fairly concerned. But trying to take it in stride.

29-11-18, 15:17
Friends, thanks so much for the support. I am so grateful for this community.

Results were negative for blood in stool. So every test so far totally normal. Unfortunately I still appear to be losing weight despite eating normally (or more than normally), which has me fairly concerned. But trying to take it in stride.

I knew it would be :shades: Again... you lost 5 pounds in 7 months. That's absolutely nothing at all to be concerned with. Besides, anxiety ramps up your metabolism. Are you doing anything to treat your real illness?

Positive thoughts

29-11-18, 15:32
I knew it would be :shades: Again... you lost 5 pounds in 7 months. That's absolutely nothing at all to be concerned with. Besides, anxiety ramps up your metabolism. Are you doing anything to treat your real illness?

Positive thoughts

I am: CBT.

I also want to add (not to be defensive) that my concern isn’t that I’d lost 5 pounds in a month — it’s that I’m *still* losing, even though I’m eating more.

29-11-18, 17:07
Besides, anxiety ramps up your metabolism.

It sure does, several years ago I was going through a bad few months and the weight was dropping off of me, it was a little scary but it was also very interesting.

Once the crisis passed, the weight came back with not much effort on my part. (oh joy:mad:)

29-11-18, 17:17
It sure does, several years ago I was going through a bad few months and the weight was dropping off of me, it was a little scary but it was also very interesting.

Once the crisis passed, the weight came back with not much effort on my part. (oh joy:mad:)

Even though you were eating normally? That’s the part that has me spooked — appetite has been 100% plus.

29-11-18, 17:20
Yay for the negative result Ethan! You should celebrate.

Anxiety/depression can absolutely cause weight loss despite eating normally. You know how people say worrying is exhausting? That’s because it legit burns energy in our bodies.

29-11-18, 17:33
Even though you were eating normally? That’s the part that has me spooked — appetite has been 100% plus.

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Positive thoughts

29-11-18, 19:07
Even though you were eating normally? That’s the part that has me spooked — appetite has been 100% plus.


29-11-18, 19:29

There is a difference between weight lose and weight lose caused by somethig serious