View Full Version : Waking up every hour or two hours for 4 weeks!

23-11-18, 20:38
HI, does anyone else do this?
I am super stressed about life (aren't we all) but this is getting ridiculous now, I'm scared to go to bed as I know i wont get any sleep!
I go to bed at 10 wake up at 11.30 then wake up at 12.30 then 2.30 and then 4.40 and then 6.30 and then 7.30! What the hell is going on?
I have a really demanding job working on camera as an actress and I can't actually cope, I'm exhausted and my days are 12-16 hour days!
Anyone else get this?
If you google it says it could be an early sign of Alzheimers .... I'm 42 so great, but I'm sure it's not that, but today I'm over it ... any help?
Anyone else get this?
Please tell me i'm not alone.....

23-11-18, 20:42
You've already identified what the problem is, and it's the stress.

If a job is causing you too much stress to the point where it's causing you health issues, you need to consider switching jobs or altering your hours.

I had this for months during a legal battle a few years ago, and even now I'll wake up 3-4 times a night if I'm particularly stressed.

The first thing you can change today is tell yourself not to worry about how much sleep you'll get tonight. The only possible outcome of that is MORE stress. Go to bed as usual with the attitude 'what will be, will be'.

23-11-18, 21:07
It’s stress it’s been happening to me for about 2 months.

23-11-18, 21:16
I get this way when I am very stressed - I can't sleep for more than 3 hours at a time. So if I go to bed at 10:00PM, I'll be awake at 1:00AM and can't get back to sleep.

24-11-18, 05:45
So how did you guys fix it?
it's annoying as heck .. I play mediation tapes, drink hot milk before bed, having magnesium.... what else can i do?
My job stresses are not going away ... and I like what I do but it's still stressful!
My anxiety is actually better as well I'm not as worried about everything as I use to be.... and I feel calm so why this.... however I am getting heart palpitations as well

---------- Post added at 05:45 ---------- Previous post was at 05:42 ----------

I like that 'what will be, will be' attitude...

24-11-18, 15:49
If something is causing you stress and you're unwilling to change it, things are equally as unlikely to change.

You either change what you do, or find another way to react to the stress.

Playing meditation tapes, drinking milk and taking magnesium are passive ways to try and alleviate symptoms, you have to actively alter the reaction to stress. Instead of playing meditation tapes, try actually meditating. They're two very different things.

24-11-18, 16:22
If something is causing you stress and you're unwilling to change it, things are equally as unlikely to change.

You either change what you do, or find another way to react to the stress.

Playing meditation tapes, drinking milk and taking magnesium are passive ways to try and alleviate symptoms, you have to actively alter the reaction to stress. Instead of playing meditation tapes, try actually meditating. They're two very different things.

That's really it. There are no magic words. You have to take responsibility and act.

Positive thoughts

24-11-18, 16:36
HI, does anyone else do this?
I am super stressed about life (aren't we all) but this is getting ridiculous now, I'm scared to go to bed as I know i wont get any sleep!
I go to bed at 10 wake up at 11.30 then wake up at 12.30 then 2.30 and then 4.40 and then 6.30 and then 7.30! What the hell is going on?
I have a really demanding job working on camera as an actress and I can't actually cope, I'm exhausted and my days are 12-16 hour days!
Anyone else get this?
If you google it says it could be an early sign of Alzheimers .... I'm 42 so great, but I'm sure it's not that, but today I'm over it ... any help?
Anyone else get this?
Please tell me i'm not alone.....

I'm going through this now too,but I recognize how insanely steessed I am right now. I also have a lawyer friend who doesn't share our particular obsessive anxieties, but he's overwhelmed with his case load... he also wakes up multiple times in the night.

Sleep maintenance insomnia is a pretty common symptom of anxiety/stress.

24-11-18, 20:38
When this happens to me i put on a podcast and listen to it. It keeps my mind from racing about stressful things and puts me to sleep very quickly.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

24-11-18, 21:44
Originally Posted by ankietyjoe View Post
"If something is causing you stress and you're unwilling to change it, things are equally as unlikely to change.

You either change what you do, or find another way to react to the stress.

Playing meditation tapes, drinking milk and taking magnesium are passive ways to try and alleviate symptoms, you have to actively alter the reaction to stress. Instead of playing meditation tapes, try actually meditating. They're two very different things."

Yeah nailed it = never thought about it actually - listening to meditation tapes and doing meditation really are two different things, my approach lacks effect .... awesome thank you guys. Glad to know others go through it too.

25-11-18, 01:41
The thing about insomnia is, the more you worry about it the more it plagues you. So, if you plan to go to bed worrying, and it's not easy to break that habit, you will toss & turn.

Try to not clock watch. Do things to calm you down in the hours before bedtime. Read in bed, which helps some people switch off.

Try to stop yourself before you get more anxious upon waking, which can be difficult if your anxiety is worse at the moment.

25-11-18, 13:52
I would actually suggest consulting with your GYN as this can be a common symptom of perimenopause.