View Full Version : Health anxiety pulmonary embolism

23-11-18, 23:09
Hi new here.
In march i had a baby and they feared i had a pulmonary embolism after her birth they did a ct scan and it was all clear. Ever since than i have been having worries of having a bloos clot.
In july i believe it was i had a ddimer because i was having calf pain and it was negative.
Now 3 weeks ago i started having pressure on my chest and shortness of breath. I am 14 weeks pregnant again. I went to the ER they did an ecg and it was great they listened to my lungs and it sounded good and than they sent me home. The next week i mentioned it to my doctor who also thinks everythings good. That week about 10 days ago now my calf and leg really started to ache and i still had some shortness of breath that comes and goes. So i went in again and got an ultrasound for dvt which was all clear but they havent done a ddimer and i just keep worrying that maybe it could be a pe. But my doctor thinks thats very unlikely. Yesterday my shortness of breath was gone but today its there again. Not sure what to do.