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23-11-18, 23:10
So sorry and sad I'm having to post but just had moment of panic afyer hearing, and still on and off, hearing more code type beeps in my left ear. My immediate thought went to brain tumour and seizure. Has anybody experienced anything similar? my nose was congested and had head rush earlier.

23-11-18, 23:25
The type of tinnitus experienced doesn't really matter (except for pulsatile tinnitus, which is a separate matter altogether. Even then >95% of the time, pulsatile tinnitus is benign).

I've seen your previous posts on here over the years, and like me, you're obsessed with brain tumours. We both need to realise it's a very rare entity. You have more chance of being in a car crash tomorrow. And I know this may be anxiety-provoking, but in my case, this ODDLY reassures me. I never worry about getting in the car. That's just fact.

Auditory seizures produce much more dramatic symptoms than a bit of tinnitus.

I'm very au fait with this topic. An ex of mine (we're still great friends) is a registrar and we've discussed the neurological features of brain tumours (etc) at GREEEAATTT lengths.

Please, please seek CBT. I've got my appointment for next week and I recommend you do the same.

All the best to you


Also, basic physiology lesson. The sinuses, ears, mouth and throat are all interconnected. It's likely this is an issue relating to your sinuses. The fact you mentioned that says to me that you (deep down) probably know it's related. It's all via the Eustachian tube. And yes (surprisingly to some) pharmacy at university, we learn physiology.

23-11-18, 23:51
I did just say that to my partner, i feel slight congestion still now. The beeps were/are worse when tv was on and if I talk loudly, move head. I'm guessing auditory seizures wouldn't be intermittent throughout one night like this. I need my ears syriging I believe. I haven't had anxiety like this in a very long time, knocked me for six.

---------- Post added at 23:51 ---------- Previous post was at 23:49 ----------

Also I'm on waiting list for CBT :)

23-11-18, 23:57
Auditory seizures, once they start, will last anywhere from one minute to five (they can last longer, but if they do, they often generalise, causing the tonic seizures everyone mentally pictures when you say 'epilepsy') They will be INTENSE and you'll have other symptoms as well. They will COMPLETELY overwhelm you. You'll feel like NOTHING you've felt before. Auditory seizures come from the temporal lobe. If caused by a lesion in the brain, they're generally longer lasting e.g. >several minutes

I won't list the symptoms, but you'd have auditory phenomenon PLUS something else PLUS something else. As well, you'd probably have post-ictal confusion and be unable to speak coherently for anywhere up to 30 minutes.

I'm telling you of these symptoms because I know that's NOT what you're suffering from.

What you're suffering from is a SEVERE case of anxiety that needs CBT (like me).

24-11-18, 00:07
Thank you for your reply. It seems go to have eased no e I'm in bed/quiet room but not getting too hopeful. I forgot how bad anxiety feels, jumping at any sound I hear now wondering if it's real

24-11-18, 00:13
Part of my brain is complete science-nerd/geek - the other part is the illogical/idiotic side. But, Helenhoo, unfortunately in my profession I've come face to face with people suffering from the very disease we fear.

And, believe me, NONE of them have ever sat there wondering if their symptoms were real. They (less frequently) KNEW something was wrong and sought help or (more frequently) were brought in by a relative/friend/colleague who noticed something was SERIOUSLY wrong.

24-11-18, 09:10
Thank you Its worse when TV is on or when I'm talkong loudly. Why may tinnitus come on so quickly and will olive oil help?