View Full Version : distorted memory of life before anxiety!

28-08-07, 18:10
I hope this post makes sense! Does anyone else have a distorted memory of or have forgotten what they were before anxiety kicked in?
What I mean is - I'm always feeling tired and blaming the anxiety, but, like my husband said, I was always tired before I suffered with anxiety anyway, nothing has changed. As I recover (again!!) I'm expecting everything to be fantastic - loads of energy, brilliant sleeping, no aches and pains - but that was never the case even when I was well.
I seem to have forgotten what it feels like to be normal and am expecting too much.
Its hard to explain what I mean, but I hope you understand!

29-08-07, 00:17
Hi Giddy, I know what you mean. I will often say to my husband that I keep forgetting things or I am getting my words confused and he told me that I always did stuff like that. Perhaps I did but I am more aware of it now and tend to analyse stuff more. I really dont know. I think to a point he may be right but I do know that it has got worse since I have been ill. There is no way that I can concentrate in the same way. I am re reading books because I have no concentration and do not trust myself to make any important decisions (who am I kidding I dont make ANY decisions anymore). I was NOT like that before I was ill. When you become well again you will probably stop picking holes in youself and therefore wont notice so much. Thats my theory anyway
Take care

29-08-07, 03:08
i have to say i remember being well and its been almost 19 yrs........nothing has changed exept the anxiety crap....my memory is bad now tho i can remeber 20 yrs ago but sometimes something last week or yesterday i have forgotten......guess thats caused from the mind racing or age both prob........linda

29-08-07, 09:22

I can sympathise with how you are feeling - particularly the bit about unrealistic expectations. I keep expecting to feel "amazing" and my husband keeps reminding me that life isn't like that and that I'm remembering feeling better with rose tinted glasses. It's really odd.

I think the key is just to feel content and anxiety free - the rest will follow!! I'm still working on it....