View Full Version : Constant thinking and symptoms

25-11-18, 10:31
I just wanted to know if anyone can relate to this. I知 starting to get andlushed face, feels like I知 burning up but not and then I over think. I知 constantly feeling my pulse because I feel my heart might be beating faster, I still suffer with bad bellies so I worry constantly what that痴 about and also I知 constantly checking my body or any movement I make and it hurts or aches, straight away I need to know why.

I知 living a life where I can稚 move on and scared I値l always be that way

26-11-18, 20:30
I'm sorry I cannot provide any help as to why you feel like this but thought it may help you to know I too feel exactly the same! Only today did I start feeling weird in work where I ended up on autodrive checking my pulse thinking it was all gonna end in me having a heart attack or something else equally as bad! Xx