View Full Version : Trigemanal neuralgia OMG IM SO UPSET

25-11-18, 13:52
After 2 months of strange pains and sensations I’m sure this is what I have . And it sounds litwh hurendous !!! I have had teeth sensations mostly my canine and front tooth , jaw and sinuis area pain only on one side . No medicine is working and teeth X-ray are clear . I literally know deep down this is what I have . My mouth and cheek area have started to get very tingly as well.

25-11-18, 14:02
Trigemanal neuralgia

I have no idea what that is, did your dr suggest that this is a possible diagnosis?

You aren't googling are you?

Nawww... you wouldn't do something so asinine after hearing ohhh a thousand times or more not to. Right?

If you have serious concerns please see your dr for a proper workup and diagnosis and have a chat about your anxiety.

25-11-18, 14:09
After 2 months of strange pains and sensations I’m sure this is what I have . And it sounds litwh hurendous !!! I have had teeth sensations mostly my canine and front tooth , jaw and sinuis area pain only on one side . No medicine is working and teeth X-ray are clear . I literally know deep down this is what I have . My mouth and cheek area have started to get very tingly as well.

definitely Google.......

25-11-18, 15:17
Trigeminal neuralgia is one of the most painful sensations a human can experience. If you had it, it's very unlikely you could sit on the internet posting about it.

25-11-18, 16:09
Trigeminal neuralgia is one of the most painful sensations a human can experience. If you had it, it's very unlikely you could sit on the internet posting about it.Also extremely rare, and even more rare than that if you're under 50! We HAers have a lot of medical knowledge that we shouldn't have thanks to the evil Dr. Google. The other poster is right, there's no reason at all any regular person should know about TN.

Ironically (?) or maybe you already knew cuz you Googled, the trigeminal nerve IS likely the nerve that the pain is going through but that doesn't remotely mean that trigeminal neuralgia is the cause. That would be like having knee pain and blaming the femoral nerve for being faulty when really you have a bum knee.

If you're actually looking for a plausible explanation of your symptoms, TMJ or headache/migraine are possible causes. (two VERY common issues, as opposed to your theory which is incredibly unlikely). I get a lot of weird cheek/jaw area pains and tinglings too. Mine is a migraine variant. I'm sure there are several other common and ultimately harmless possibilities too.

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25-11-18, 16:27
At least your gums healed :D

Positive thoughts

25-11-18, 18:53
ServerError is spot on in his post.

My mother has suffered from trigeminal neuralgia intermittently for around 25+ years. She's had every test you can imagine, and they can find no physiological cause for it.

She rarely suffers from it now, but when she does, the last thing she's doing is sitting typing on the computer. It's one of the most painful things you can experience.

Have you ever been at the dentist and they've hit one of your facial nerves? If so, imagine that x1000 and you'll be close. That's how my mum describes it.

25-11-18, 21:57
I am truly thankful for all of these reply’s !!! I do feel some comfert with them.
But I truly feel this must be what I have. Or at the very least the beginning stages. I have hard the strangest long lasting symptoms. I have been dealing with anxiety about 15yrd with every symptom under the sun. But this issue is so baffling. One day out of no where my gums hurt on one side like a sharp pain that only lasted a few moments. Then a week later they started scheming in the same spot for a really long time . I went to dentist X-ray was fine she said gums looked healthy and did tooth nerve test. Nothing showed wrong.then I went to ent maybe it sinuis. Took steroid and antibiotic and nothing changed.
Symptoms are
1. Tooth sensitivity
2. Jaw muscles feel very sore
3. Gums and roof of mouth feel irritated
4. Under eye on left side down sinuis and side of left nose feel heavy achey and swollen without swelling if that makes any sense .
5. If my teeth hit together when I talk on my left side they hurt
6. Symptoms have been 8 weeks now
7. Also my head feels headache like tight feeling
8.face in left feels tingly almost numb and my sinus feels like it’s vibrating after I talk This is why I’m assuming the trimenagal neuralgia .it states as unknown reason for face nerves pain ....

25-11-18, 22:17
My friend has this and as others have said, the pain is completely crippling. Having said that, although she struggled badly with it at first, it is now more or less entirely under control with medication, so even if you did have it, which you don't, there are treatment options, what you read online will be the worst case scenario.

25-11-18, 22:24
"Told Ya So Gang" on standby :winks:

Positive thoughts

27-11-18, 02:50
For anyone who knows about this issue. Would this come in suddenly or gradual?

28-11-18, 04:36
I went to the doctor today he still doesn’t have an answer for my sensations , I told him I’m worried it could be the TM . He said I don’t think so but the fact that I had shingles a few years ago on the same side as my sensations say all though he thinks know it could be a possibility !!!!! I know someone mentioned cold air can trigger it . Well I was just outside in the cold wind and now I feel like my cheek is slightly numb. I literally can’t believe this could be happening to me !!!!

30-11-18, 12:34
Bumping to see if anyone had had this sensation WITHOUT it being Trigemanal neuralgia

30-11-18, 19:00
I get a lot of weird cheek/jaw area pains and tinglings too. Mine is a migraine variant. I'm sure there are several other common and ultimately harmless possibilities too.

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30-11-18, 20:22
I went to the doctor today he still doesn’t have an answer for my sensations , I told him I’m worried it could be the TM . He said I don’t think so but the fact that I had shingles a few years ago on the same side as my sensations say all though he thinks know it could be a possibility !!!!! I know someone mentioned cold air can trigger it . Well I was just outside in the cold wind and now I feel like my cheek is slightly numb. I literally can’t believe this could be happening to me !!!!

“Thinks it could be a possibility” DOES NOT MEAN thinks it is. You’ve predetermined that you have this condition so you’re skewing your doctors words towards that in your mind. Then you’re coming on here and representing those skewed views as absolute fact.

It’s classic HA....

01-12-18, 01:35
Thank you for the reply’s and I do agree with your points. I just don’t understand how it’s pissiable ton have these sensations for 2 months !!! Only on my left side of face/mouth and it not be this terriable nerve disorder.

01-12-18, 01:51
Why isn't it possible to have something for 2 months?

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01-12-18, 02:13
I’m thinking it’s simething serious that can’t be resolved . And it’s one sided just my left side of mouth and cheek. My usual anxiety symptoms would always show up on both sides of my body . And when I google facial tingling that’s what comes up !!!

01-12-18, 03:07
I’m thinking it’s simething serious that can’t be resolved . And it’s one sided just my left side of mouth and cheek. My usual anxiety symptoms would always show up on both sides of my body . And when I google facial tingling that’s what comes up !!!There are many things that can go wrong in the body for months or even years that are neither serious nor permanent. Then there are things that are permanent but still not serious. Many of which have far greater odds than TN. Using "it's been 2 months so it must be bad" is simply a distorted and catastrophic thought with no logical basis.

My (also one sided) temple/face/lip tingling lasted every single day for about 3-4 months and now it still comes and goes once a week or so when my other symptoms strengthen.

Now that doesn't mean that the symptoms are being caused by anxiety, maybe this is different than your usual anxiety symptoms and maybe it's a real physical cause. But not likely to be TN.

(And stop Googling! That's like ultra-rule #1 for us!)

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01-12-18, 03:34
Thank you ! You are so right ! I’m just really scarred it’s gonna get worse ! The pain degree of TN I don’t have yet but I’m worried it’s just starting .......

09-06-22, 03:20
Hello! I am also having concerns about possible TN as well. My symptoms are similar. Just checking in to see how you are doing currently, if your symptoms have resolved or you found out what is going on to cause the sensations.