View Full Version : Terrified of ovarian cancer

25-11-18, 17:29
Hi it all started 2 months ago , I noticed I was peeing alot more and was up once during the night (I've been off mirtazapine since may and I know this would have helped me sleep all night so I'm not sure the peeing at night is related to me not sleeping well) Anyway it still is only once a night ,get a little pressure in bladder region too ,i ve also been getting these strange darts that last 1 second fairly intense but just gone in a flash in my lower left abdomen , but I've experienced other symptoms this week low back pain , burping , nausea ?? Went to the doc last week urine clear no infection she says it could be overactive bladder the new symptoms only started since being to the docs. Here's the strange thing I've had no pressure or frequent urine in 3 days, it's like when I get a new symptom other one is gone 🤔🙁

Has anyone here experienced this ?? I've had years of health anxiety and I've been feelin great lately , don t want this to ruin Christmas as I know where this is heading , I find there's tears streaming down my face as I type as it was so good feeling well I hate to think what might be ahead of me

So if any one can help I would really appreciate it.

---------- Post added at 17:29 ---------- Previous post was at 14:23 ----------

Anyone I'm kinda freaking out 😔😔😔

25-11-18, 20:19
Sadly Deem315, I've known a few ladies that had ovarian cancer, neither of them had the symptoms you describe.

No doubt you have some symptoms but they can surely be something totally harmless, but when anxiety wraps itself around you, it muddies the waters and you can't tell what is from anxiety and what isn't.

Interesting that once you are assured you are ok, all these bizarre symptoms fade away.

25-11-18, 21:20
I too have this fear. I have had irregular periods for well over a year or two which resulted in me having an ultrasound. It came back all clear luckily. However I recently started getting frequent urination and bloating, so I'm scared. But the more I worry, the worse it will become. You're fine especially if they go away after reassurance. Hugs

25-11-18, 21:24
I have the same fear/issues at the moment! I know it's scary hun x sending you all the postive vibes

25-11-18, 21:34
Thank you so much for getting back to me , that is why I hate this illness so much it not only effects me but my whole family , I always feel really detached from them when I have a relapse.
Why are anxiety symptoms never straight forward
and so REAL , feel so down with all of this , I try to keep a level head when I get symptoms it just when it goes on and on , 2 months is a long time with symptoms coming and going , hope it will just pack it's bags soon

---------- Post added at 21:34 ---------- Previous post was at 21:25 ----------

Louiseandy it was actually your thread that caught my eye, does it happen to anyone else that when one symptom goes another comes, like the peeing , I've been peeing normal for the last 3 days but now have back pain which i didn't originally have , so I'm so confused

26-11-18, 16:57
Please someone reply , now I have just had bleeding after sex and I'm petrified , it wasn't much just pink when I wiped but I'm freaking out , can you have this with a cyst , forgot to mention I have no bloating and appetite is fine , please someone reply 🙏

---------- Post added at 15:08 ---------- Previous post was at 15:07 ----------

I don't get periods I have the mirena coil fitted

---------- Post added at 16:57 ---------- Previous post was at 15:08 ----------

Anyone ??

26-11-18, 19:13
@deem315 A lot of my issues tend to come and go! Like the constant urine thing went on for awhile then went. It's like the pain and full feeling I struggle with most!! The back pain really freaks me! Sorry I can't be more of help hun x

26-11-18, 21:24
Thanks for getting back to me anyway it's all very confusing