View Full Version : Lower abdominal pain, but not severe enough to do to the doctor. Worried it's serious

25-11-18, 17:29
I'm making a thread for my own benefit really as I find typing out what's wrong helps

But basically I have very slight pain. On and off, not constant and it doesn't get worse. Sleep isn't disturbed, no vomiting, passing out, stool and pee fine

I think it's possibly self caused though. Yesterday I needed to pee, but I didn't go straight away so I held it for longer than I should've and my abdomen hurt by the time I went. It's exactly like that. Except it's not as bad because I'm not holding it in anymore

I also don't know if my abdomen is sensitive to the touch or I just think it is so that isn't helping

Sorry for venting. I'm trying to think logically because I'd only phone the doctor on call otherwise.

25-11-18, 17:57
When I thought I had colon cancer, my left side hurt intermittently every day. When I found out I didn’t, the pain went away.

26-11-18, 02:34
I know it's easy to worry with something like this as I've done so many times before, but it's a very common type of feeling to have. It may just go away in the next day or 2, but if it gets worse see the dr just to make sure it isn't a bladder infection. I've had low grade infection before which caused this type of feeling and didn't get so bad as to make me have stinging when I went to the toilet or other usual UTI type symptoms. Could very likely seem worse now that you're focusing on it, so just see how it goes over next day or so.