View Full Version : Esophegus cancer

26-11-18, 15:45
ive got myself into a worry

ive been taking lansoprazole for mild gastritus and acid reflux for about 3 years.
been trying to ween myself off it but had a couple of weeks where i had it 2/3 in a week and acid came up into my mouth during the night hiccups etc.
so back onto them once a day 15mg till it settles again.
two weeks ago i felt tightness in my throat and and fixated on swallowing.
yesterday i woke up with sore throat and very gruff voice.
im convincing myself its throat cancer

26-11-18, 16:23
Why are you wanting to ween off the lansoprazole? Unless your doctor has told you to come off it, I would stay on it.

I say this as I've had GORD my entire life, but I've been on PPIs for six years now. And I'd never come off them.

You're experiencing rebound reflux, which is an entirely natural and expected phenomenon when PPIs are withdrawn. When acid comes up from the stomach, it can irritate your throat which is why you've had a sore throat/"gruff voice"

This is not throat cancer.

If you're worried about the potential for vitamin deficiencies, which PPIs can cause, this is easily remedied by taking a multivitamin.

26-11-18, 19:31
I agree with RadioGG. This is a no-brainer. stay on the PPI and look into the FODMAP (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/) diet.

Just as an example. Tomatoes are a no-no if you have GERD/Relux. Last night the wife and I had pasta with tomato sauce. I was awakened by an acid burp... Nasty! Got up, took a swig of Mylanta and back to bed. You're weaning off PPis for whatever reason and suffering the consequences. It's as simple as that.

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27-11-18, 15:36
the last Dr who reviewed the medication said lets stop the Lansoprazole.
it came back after a short while after i stopped. I hadnt heard of rebound reflux. i dont want to google as i go down rabbit holes.

whats the long term problems with taking the drug ? i was reduced from 30mg down to 15mg as they said it could cause bone fractures.

27-11-18, 16:07
the last Dr who reviewed the medication said lets stop the Lansoprazole. It came back after a short while after i stopped. I hadn't heard of rebound reflux.

Yep... there's the reason. Think of it this way. The meds curtail acid production. The body gets used to that. When the meds stop, the acid production increases. Your body is not accustomed to it due to the meds so there you go. As I said, you have to watch what you eat when you have GERD. Check out the FODMAP diet link I posted above. Keep a diary of foods you eat and your reaction and modify your diet. Can't hurt to keep a bottle of Mylanta around or some chewable antacids either.

Positive thoughts

27-11-18, 17:48
What's Mylanta Fish?

---------- Post added at 17:48 ---------- Previous post was at 17:44 ----------

I'm having EXACTLY the same issues as you.

I have also been weaning down to half a tablet a day of Esomeprazole. Have been on this dose since last November but have recently had a flare up. Also worried about long term PPI usage but also equally worried about not treating the reflux. I've just started going to the gym as I'm a UK size 14 and would like to drop a stone and a half to see if this helps the reflux.

Interesting about the tomato sauce thing Fish, I had a bad flare up of waterbrash on Sunday night and we'd had a tomato relish with our roast ham.

27-11-18, 17:48
i wasnt overly convinced by the Dr i should trust my judgement sometimes.
she never mentioned it.

yes i have a habit of eating my dinner then flopping on the sofa which doesnt help.

i guess i slipped into let the medication do the work and i wont worry about what causes it.

i know baked beans does it. ive stopped smoking recently as well.
i had a look at the foodmap - some common sense things there that i really should know better about

so i guess its the acid thats burnt (for want of another word) my throat that i can feel?

whats the long term downside of taking this medication?

i dont know what mylanta is but i have rennies which are over the counter antacid tablet but by then ive normally woken up with heartburn , reflux etc and im up the rest of the night.

27-11-18, 17:53
What's Mylanta Fish?

Name brand liquid antacid here. Great for breakthrough reflux and sour stomach. We keep that and Tums around.

Positive thoughts

27-11-18, 17:55
What's Mylanta Fish?

---------- Post added at 17:48 ---------- Previous post was at 17:44 ----------

I'm having EXACTLY the same issues as you.

I have also been weaning down to half a tablet a day of Esomeprazole. Have been on this dose since last November but have recently had a flare up. Also worried about long term PPI usage but also equally worried about not treating the reflux. I've just started going to the gym as I'm a UK size 14 and would like to drop a stone and a half to see if this helps the reflux.

Interesting about the tomato sauce thing Fish, I had a bad flare up of waterbrash on Sunday night and we'd had a tomato relish with our roast ham.

im sorry to hear that i dont wish it on anybody - im about 2 stone over weight and i know i could do better with what i eat and at what time and definately dont lay down on the sofa

whats the long term side affects of taking this ??

27-11-18, 19:23
Chipster, a lot of the long teem effects seem to be conjecture and not proven studies. There does seem to be a link with possible vitamin deficiencies in certain vitamins but I suppose this could be remedied with supplements by doctor if needed.

28-11-18, 10:11
thanks poppy - i guess id rather have no reflux and vitamin deficiencies which i could take a pill for

01-12-18, 16:15
how long does this feeling last or how long to heal if the reflux has done some damage

im still obviously worried.

im on week two of the meds again no occurance of nightime reflux or if i bend over.

cant drink anything fizzy at the moment kinds burns my throat.

01-12-18, 17:06
I’ve had gastritis for nearly a year and it is slowly improving. The omeprazole didn’t work for me. But even after 4 weeks I found it hard to wean off. Unless your GP has told you to come off them, then you should stay on. Or talk to your doctor about coming off.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-12-18, 18:35
how long does this feeling last or how long to heal if the reflux has done some damage

im still obviously worried.

im on week two of the meds again no occurance of nightime reflux or if i bend over.

cant drink anything fizzy at the moment kinds burns my throat.

Apparently things are already improving so give it some time. Have you taken my advice on the FODMAP diet and food diary? If fizzy drinks bother you, it really is as simple as avoiding them and other foods that aggravate you.

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