View Full Version : Cut thumb - nerve damage?

28-11-18, 00:45
I cut my thumb pretty severely two weeks ago at work with a utility knife. I ended up getting 6 stitches.
My thumb has been really numb, which everyone said was normal.
However, yesterday the stitches were removed and when she touched the last one it felt like she was hitting nerve.
Now whenever I touch it or it brushes up against something it’s the most awful feeling - like it’s hitting a nerve.

This is the first time I’ve had stitches - is this normal? It’s still pretty numb too. Should I wait or go back to my doctor immediately?

Does anyone know If this will heal itself? Or could this be a permanent disability? Currently I can’t use that thumb at all.

28-11-18, 01:20
It's totally normal. I've had open heart surgery and the entire area around the scar is still numb over ten years later. When it was healing, it felt like I was getting stabbed with needles for a while. The doctor said it was my nerves trying to heal. I ended up taking a med that helped with the nerve pain and helped me sleep as a positive side effect :) Same on my neck where I had surgery for cancer. I could cut (and have) myself shaving and I don't know it until I see the blood. If you cut yourself that badly, you most certainly cut some nerves. Give it time to heal and accept that it may always feel a little different. Concerning mobility... Give it some time. If you find you still can't use it normally, speak to your doctor about physical therapy. I had physical therapy on my left shoulder as many nerves were cut in my neck due to surgery and it affected my left arm/shoulder. It took a while to gain back full mobility.

Positive thoughts

29-11-18, 00:17
Oh yeah it's normal I had 370 stitches in my foot when I was a kid. Ripping out muscles and nerves on the topside of my foot. Three hours of the doctor sewing it up. It felt very tender after stitches came out.

29-11-18, 10:10
Definitely normal. I had a motorcycle accident years ago and the bike fell on my hand, literally bursting open one finger. The skin/flesh was peeled away and you could see my bone. After being stitched up, I had no feeling in that finger for months and months, but it eventually came back. Even now, 20 years later it feels a little 'weird', but not that I ever notice day to day.

Also, it's not a disability, it's just a sensation.