View Full Version : mild electrical shock

28-11-18, 05:18
:ohmy: gosh im back again with my anxiety levels sky high..in the middle of panic attack and unable to sleep

and the cause of all this was because i received an electrical shock earlier

i had just finished washing the dishes and my daughter had just unplugged our dryer.i went to pick up the plug to tuck it away down the side of the machine and next min i received a sudden shock in my hand when i touched the metal plug prongs

i wasn't burnt and i let go of the plug immediately and wasn't even sure if it had been some sort of static shock as it didn't make sense as the dryer wasnt connected to anything.so it may have been just because my hands were moist even though id dried them of and the dryer had some sort of charge still in it as it had ony just been switched of

anyways initially i was absolutely fine.been there done this before got the t shirt type of attitude until bed time..then i started imagining having a heart attack in my sleep.or nerve damage and so on..i hadnt bothered with phoning the doctor or anything as there was no noticeable affects and was only mild shock and like i say it could just been static..its been about 8hrs ago now since this happened and ive had no heart palpitations or anything like that except for now since ive started the panic attack.now ive got pins n needles and chest pain etc..but this only came n after the panic attack so im pretty sure its my usual anxiety symptoms but viscous circle now..symptoms feeding the fear of course !!! :scared15::weep:

28-11-18, 10:15
You're fine :) Nothing to worry about here

28-11-18, 14:30
Very easy to explain, as I've had this one myself.

Inside such things there are components called capacitors, which form part of filters to reduce interference or help 'smooth' supplies. They can hold a charge for a while after they've been unplugged and if you're unlucky, you can get a tickle off them. It can be unpleasant, but no more than that.

You'll be absolutely fine, trust me. I've had a good few of these in my forty-year career in electronics. Last one I got was a tickle off the mains filter in a hair dryer!

28-11-18, 16:20
Through the years I've gotten shocked plenty of times, I used to wallpaper a lot and wet wallpaper near an open outlet is tricky business.
It was never more than a temporary weird feeling..

You are fine :-)