View Full Version : All in my head ! Really?

28-11-18, 10:12
I am fed up of being told my symptoms are all in my head. I feel shaky, light headed to the point I feel off balance and walk around holding on to things. I feel on another planet most of the time. My head doesn't feel like it belongs to me. These things sure feel real to me.

28-11-18, 10:45
Who tells you they’re all in your head? Have you been to the doctor and been checked over? If you have and you’ve been told you’re fine then you have to have some faith in the medical profession. THese feelings are very real to you but it’s the meaning you give them that can create a viscous circle. You feel strange so you worry which in turn can create all sorts of sensations which then creates more worry. Anxiety is brutal and can cause all the symptoms you’ve mentioned above xx

28-11-18, 15:07
Well i had a dizzy spell totally out of the blue on Boxing Day 2016. They became more and more frequent until July 2017 when it became 24/7 and has been ever since.

I won't go through the whole story but it got so bad i hardly wen't out for 8 months. I had to hang onto the walls to even walk to the loo and was even taken to A&E once via ambulance.

My GP was a total knobhead through the whole thing. I had to fight and push for everything to find out what was wrong or i would have just been left like it.

I finally had 90mins of extensive tests with an audiological scientist this time last week and was diagnosed with a vestibular condition. The specialist just couldn't believe i had been left for so long.

You know your body and yes anxiety can make you dizzy, but if it carries on like this FIGHT YOUR CORNER as once you've got anxiety on your records it's the perfect get out of jail free card for our failing healthcare system.