View Full Version : So scared of glaucoma

28-11-18, 17:03

I had an eye test about 2.5 years ago and was told my eye pressure or IOP was slightly high and that I should keep an eye on it (excuse the pun).
I didn't really think too much of it at the time, but recently my health anxiety has been super high and i somehow found out high eye pressure can lead to Glaucoma which results in blindness.

I'm now really really scared and freaking out about this. I have no other symptoms really... but I think I would have to end things if I ever went blind.

How common is high eye pressure? Can it just be nothing to worry about? I've got this weird pulsating feeling behind my eyes all day and I'm scared its high pressure causing it or getting worse.

I've booked an eye test but absolutely dreading it. Apparently anxiety can increase eye pressure so does that mean it can also increase your chances of getting glaucoma?!
I'm female 32 Caucasian.

Thanks in advance. Any reassurance much appreciated :(

28-11-18, 17:19
somehow found out

I wonder how? :whistles:

You've gone from Google to ending your life in what, less than an hour? What's the thought process that leads to such a dark irrational path? (pun intended)

Positive thoughts

28-11-18, 17:46
My mom has had glaucoma for 15 years. Glaucoma does not result in blindness. Glaucoma *can* result in blindness. There are new treatments all the time for it, and you do not even have it assuming you have had your eyes checked with their annual exam.

My mom's glaucoma is no worse now then when she started treatment for it.

28-11-18, 17:54
Hi isn't health anxiety a pain, it's totally irrational but that's half the problem, your mind say OMG and their you go into overdrive.
As the other poster said you could have a small incidence of blindness with glaucoma but very rare nowadays, treatment is their if you need it.
Second thing is that having been under the consultant at Leicester Royal eye department I know that anxiety can raise your eye pressure but it's not enough to warrant worrying about.
Go and get your eyes retested and ask your opticians opinion and trust him he's the expert.
As for saying you would commit S that's just your fear talking

28-11-18, 20:45
Hi everyone again
Second post of the day for me.

I've been really anxious lately with health anxiety at a high.

Basically woke up today being able to feel my heartbeat pulsating in my eyeballs and head. It doesnt hurt but is a really horrible sensation.

Is this a common symptom of anxiety /stress?

It kind of feels like when you've eaten MSG in Chinese food or having a strong hot flush or having way too much caffeine. Does anyone else get this? It seems to get worse after eating too. Just a constant Throbbing, but with no pain.

Thanks in advance..

28-11-18, 21:16

I have had this for YEARS. I actually remember the first time I ever noticed it vividly. I was sitting my A-Level Chemistry and got to a question which required the use of my calculator. At that, I sort of went into a bit of a daze when looking at the calculator and noticed my pulse in my vision.

Of course, that was just a few months before my health anxiety started, and it didn't bother me.

I have no idea what causes this. But it's been present for 7 years now without me suffering any ill-effects.

Ever notice how, if you lie on your back you can see your pulse in your stomach? It's probably the same physiological "thing" going on.

Needless to say, if this is the first time you've experienced it, see your Optician for reassurance.

Good luck


Just did it there. Let myself 'zone out' and saw said pulse in vision. I'm not bothered and don't think you should either :-)

28-11-18, 21:31
Eye pressure can be from all sorts of things. The common head cold for one. Stress is another. If your doctor were at all concerned about glaucoma (manageable if caught early), they would have sent you for additional tests at the time. And here you are a couple years later, not blind. Your eyes are likely perfectly fine.

Go have the test done, all they're doing is monitoring to be proactive.

28-11-18, 21:38
I am glaucoma suspect, meaning I don't have it yet but will likely get it. All you can do at this point is have regular eye exams and get treatment if you need it. If it,s been a year since your last appointment, I would get checked. For all you know, your pressure is fine.

28-11-18, 22:39
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