View Full Version : Wait.

28-11-18, 18:59
I had a brain mri at 9am yesterday morning, i am a nervous wreck everytime the phone rings incase its the drs or hospital 😳.

28-11-18, 19:27
Have you still got head pressure and the odd dizzy spell?

I know for a FACT that scan pictures aren't even being looked at for 5 weeks at my hospital.

Your phone isn't going to ring anytime soon. Although i suppose it depends what area of the country you're in.

28-11-18, 20:03
Yes still got one side headaches and pressure. Surely someone looks at them before 5 weeks if there was something bad on.

28-11-18, 20:16
My hospital does CT and MRI scans from 8am until 8pm pretty much 7 days a week. I have it on good authority because of the volume it's taking 5 weeks for scan pictures to be looked at. As i say that may just be my area.

I remember when you 1st posted a few weeks ago and you're very lucky to even get an MRI and that quick.