View Full Version : Lung Cancer Scare

28-11-18, 19:17
I am a 42 year old male, smoked off and on for years, but quit 15+ years ago. Two weeks ago I was cleaning my yard and inhaled a bunch of leaf dust. Had a violent coughing fit that left my chest sore. On top of that, my 4 children and myself have seemed to come down with everything from croup to severe congestion. My concern is with the trickle/tickel in my throat and into my chest that seems to come and go. It started out as a burning sensation when I would enhale on the left side, now it has changed to a tickel that comes and goes on the right side. Starts towards the back of my throat and stops toward the top of my peck, center of chest. The sensation is gone in the morning if I sleep elevated on my back, and can switch sides depending on if I sleep on my side. I have a cough and a decadale long history if long lasting upper respiratory virus infections, but after 2 weeks still lots of drainage. Convinced I have lung cancer, but do see my doctor in 2 weeks, but am just stricken with panic. Anyone have similar experience?

---------- Post added at 13:17 ---------- Previous post was at 13:15 ----------

I dont have any pain when I take deep breaths, and just ran last night, but I know lung cancer can hide

28-11-18, 19:30
You have a cause and effect here as well as other reasons. How do you get to lung cancer? :huh:

Positive thoughts

28-11-18, 19:33
You have a cause and effect here as well as other reasons. How do you get to lung cancer? :huh:

Positive thoughts

Because I can honestly feel something inside right below my collar bone that's a tickle (can't tell if it's windpipe or throat).. Not there all the time, but it's there, and then I have the lingering thought because I know lung cancer can hide.....or so I have heard

28-11-18, 19:43
Because I can honestly feel something inside right below my collar bone that's a tickle (can't tell if it's windpipe or throat).. Not there all the time, but it's there, and then I have the lingering thought because I know lung cancer can hide.....or so I have heard

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

28-11-18, 20:02
I'm just terrified. I'm just tired of health anxiety. It's awful. Then I have the thought about "what if this is the one I ignore" that is something that is missed early. As I sit here I am debating an emergency call to the clinic to get a scan of my chest.

29-11-18, 01:12
Has anyone had a similar experience? I'm having a rough night

29-11-18, 03:07
Yes, similar experience here.

I had a cough and intermittent wheeze for like 9 months. The cough would linger after every minor virus (I have kids so there is constantly a bug going around). I would also get pains upon deep breaths in intermittently, and my d-dimer was elevated at one point. I didn't really notice shortness of breath but my doctor noted that in the chart. I had a constant tickle in my throat, hoarseness, phlegm and mucus chronically.

I got xrays and a ct (because of the chest pain combined with d-dimer) and all clear- no tumors. So, my lung cancer theory went out the window. Instead, I was finally sent to a pulmonologist (after begging, since the cough was horrid and not going away) and it was determined I have asthma. I was 45 when diagnosed, never had it before but it does run in my family.

I was well controlled for a year, went off my meds (b/c another health condition that I am in pre-diagnostic state for can develop due to the steroids used to treat asthma), and my asthma is back. Yes, I think lung cancer all the time, even though it is clear I have asthma that is uncontrolled. I am able to squash the thoughts easily, but they still pop in.

The bottom line for us is....we catastrophize. It is our kryponite. We can speculate all we want, fantasize all we want, but it is all pointless until there is a diagnosis. So, if this doesn't clear up within 6 weeks, see a doc. Coughs DO take a while to clear-- 3 weeks is average for a cough, and it isn't considered a persistent cough until 8 weeks. Even if the cough and tickle and chest pain is persistent, my case shows it can be something other than cancer. Getting inflammation in the airways is common, might be asthma, might just be an artifact of a cold. Try not to worry.

29-11-18, 20:19
I'm croaking today, guys. Would the tickle in my throat come and go? I'm just a mess today. Doesn't hurt when I breathe, and really notice it when I focus on it

06-12-18, 00:10
Of course here I sit, cough nearly gone, just a dry patch off and on in my throat and 2 sets of x-rays. 2 doctors and 1 virtual doctor interpretation and 3 "no issues" found. Still struggling to believe it. Now wondering if esophageal cancer is a possibility. Although that is extremely rare. It seems the maladies I think I have become rarer and rarer

06-12-18, 00:16
Of course here I sit, cough nearly gone, just a dry patch off and on in my throat and 2 sets of x-rays. 2 doctors and 1 virtual doctor interpretation and 3 "no issues" found. Still struggling to believe it. Now wondering if esophageal cancer is a possibility. Although that is extremely rare. It seems the maladies I think I have become rarer and rarer

You obviously recognize the fallacies in your thinking, that puts you ahead of 90% of HA sufferers. You just need to cross the finish line...

06-12-18, 19:30
You obviously recognize the fallacies in your thinking, that puts you ahead of 90% of HA sufferers. You just need to cross the finish line...

This is so hard. The tickle around/right below my Adams apple is what keeps bringing me back to this fear. Has anyone had to experience that they focus on if a sensation is present, you notice it? I also noticed today the tickle is in my ear as well.