View Full Version : Pilonidal cyst

29-11-18, 00:05

I am becoming extremely worried and need someone to talk to. :weep: On Sunday night, I realize that it was a bit sore near the top of my buttcrack. It hurt to sit comfortably and I had went to talk with my mom. She looked at the area and said it looked like a rash as it was a bit pink. So, I decided to put some diaper rash cream on it and later on, I headed to bed.

The next day, I woke up. Area was still sore. Hurt to sit and bend over when picking up stuff. Eventually though, the pain did start to fade a bit and become less noticeable. Throughout the day though, the pain came back as a result of sitting and having the cheeks spread in the position I was in.

I ended up setting up a doctor's appointment because I got so scared. He had a look at the area. He told me it just looked like a rash and like the skin had been stretched too much due to the underwear I was wearing(Thong). He did not say it was a cyst. He instructed me to either apply vaseline or the diaper rash cream or triple antibiotic ointment for a week, twice a day and that it should go away.

Well, I've been doing this and the area has gotten smaller, but there is a real irritated spot that is sore and has not gotten better. It does not feel like a lump or anything, but is so uncomfortable to sit on due to the skin stretching when I sit down on my butt.

I am in tears at this point because I am just panicking, telling myself I have a cyst. I have to lay on my side because I cannot sit comfortably on my butt. It's just sore. Hurts to walk around even. I am so scared at this point, worrying the dr. diagnosed me wrong.

Please someone reply and ease my worries if you can.

29-11-18, 00:27
Wear regular underwear for a while? :shrug:


Positive thoughts

29-11-18, 00:40
I have a pilinoidal cyst that recurs whenever I get run down. It hurts, but it's not that bad. If by chance you happen to have one, it's no big deal. If it becomes recurrent you can have it surgically removed (though the operation is pretty gnarly).

29-11-18, 00:46
I have a pilinoidal cyst that recurs whenever I get run down. It hurts, but it's not that bad. If by chance you happen to have one, it's no big deal. If it becomes recurrent you can have it surgically removed (though the operation is pretty gnarly).

What does yours feel like? Is it like a lump? I ask because whenever I try to talk to my mom about it, she said you'd feel a lump if you had one. She has a ganglion cyst on her wrist that has never had to be removed or drained. So, she has somewhat of knowledge on cysts. I still can't stop worrying though.

29-11-18, 02:54
When it flares up it's hard, tender to touch and hot to the touch and red. It also oozes pus. I think the cyst itself is about the size of a marble, but when it's flared up the skin around it gets hard and swollen, so it's hard to gauge the size.

The first time it flared up it hurt so badly that I went to an outpatient clinic, they knew what it was almost instantly and sent me home with antibiotics and told me to follow up with my doctor.

That being said, pilinoidal cysts are nothing to worry about, they're a nuisance to be sure but that's about it.