View Full Version : Fear of heart attack

29-08-07, 12:01
I suffer with many anxieties but by far the worst is my fear of heart failure/death eeeeeeeeeek Wherever i go and whatever i do i think ... what if i collapsed here - is there anyone aorund to help me, how far am i from the hospital, what are my chances of surviving etc etc

Somehow in my head i've linked every anxiety to this fear and when feeling normal anxiety levels it can escalate to a level where i think i could die :(

I used to be a fairly sporty guy but when i feel the fears as i've said above it just becomes impossible to push my body for fear of affecting my health. I try and play football once a week as its something i love but i'm finding it increasingly hard to enjoy it as doubts in my mind over my health prevent me from exerting myself physically

Over the last few days 2 young proffesional footballers have had heart attacks during matches - one died and the other is in hospital. This is like my biggest nightmare EVER to hear such stories :weep: and now all those fears have come flooding back.

I'm supposed to be playing football tomorrow but i dont know if i can face it


29-08-07, 15:04
Hi Matt
Sorry to hear that ure in a state of anxiety and panic at the moment. Many anxiety sufferers have the same fear, and we are always going to hear about someone young suffering a heart attack, which then sends our anxiety sky high! These people who have heart attacks at a young age, must have something wrong with their hearts that have gone undetected, but that doesn't help does it?
Try to think about the 99.99% of people who do sport who DON'T have a heart attack, easy for me to say I know, cause I'm the same as you, I thought I was having heart attack when I was 12 years of age:ohmy:
We need to change our thinking, but I'm not sure how we do it! I feel for ya, hope u keep playing footie then maybe u might get over the fear when u realise that ure ok. Best of luck and good wishes to u.

31-08-07, 10:22
Thanks ever so much for ur reply Elspeth :)

I do appreciate that logically the likelihood of it happening is minimal to none but when ur in a heightened anxiety situation and the anxiety rockets its the last thing u think about.

I did go to football in the end as i cant let this beat me and stop me doing something i enjoy so much, so that was a big step considering i had tried to make up every excuse under the sun to get myself out of it. Had a few moments where i felt like i wanted to walk out to catch my breath but perservered (sp?) and was fine

Thanks again, Matt

31-08-07, 10:48
Hi mouse_mat,

I can understand what you are going through - that is my worst fear also. I am always thinking for who is trained in frist aid around me and it was start to rule my life. I am also a very sport person but had my frist attack when i was playing football and as you said when you are in the hight of an attack it is hard to tell yourself that nothing is going to happen but you just have to go out and do it. I have found the more I do it the less fearful I am of it - so fair play for going out and playing the other night. It is a hard thing to do and it is so much easier to make excuses.

Best of luck :D