View Full Version : HA is back; this time, head injury/brain fluid leak

29-11-18, 18:14
Hi all,

I've actually had my health anxiety under control for a few years, but since the passing of my grandmother, it's gotten a lot worse. It started with a reaction to the flu vaccine that led me to being misdiagnosed with cellulitis, leading to antibiotic reactions and a really fast heartbeat, which led me to worrying about my palpitations & PVCs.

And now this.

A few days ago, I hit my head on the trunk of my car, not a big deal, but I worried about having accidentally caused bleeding internally or something. Cut to yesterday, when I'm doing the laundry. I go to get a dryer sheet, go to stand up, and hit my head on the door. Now I'm in full freak out mode. Constantly monitoring my pupils, constantly making sure I'm thinking OK. I feel a little brain-foggy, but I didn't have any blackout/nausea/vomiting as with a bad head injury.

This morning, I've noticed some liquid coming out of my nose, so of course I think it's brain fluid (CSF leak). This is somewhat new, I haven't had allergies recently. It isn't gushing out or anything, just a little dribble. I'm constantly on the lookout for weird / salty tastes, and I'm freaking myself out. :(

30/M for what it's worth.

06-12-18, 21:52
no one? :(

06-12-18, 22:05
I don’t know what to say other than that I’m sure you’re ok. You didn’t black out, you don’t have a severe headache or sickness.
Your nose is running because that’s what noses do.

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06-12-18, 23:15
I suppose all that's true; I made the mistake of consulting Dr Google and found instances of people who had brain fluid leakage for years :( it's kinda terrifying. Especially since it makes you more likely to get meningitis, another illness my HA has made me obsess about.

08-12-18, 03:28
I never seem to notice until HA flares up, but I've noticed a lot more liquid in the back of my throat than normal, and I have been getting some headaches. I am just not sure where to go to even have this checked - are they going to look at me like I'm insane?

bin tenn
08-12-18, 03:54
The stuff in the back of your throat is, in my opinion, much more likely to be the result of something such as post nasal drip / allergies / etc. If you're concerned about this leak - which is terribly rare - ask your primary doc.

08-12-18, 04:44
I made the mistake of consulting Dr Google

But of course and now you're here asking a group of strangers to talk you down. :lac:

Let me ask, did you know it was a mistake BEFORE you googled? I'm betting you did.

If you're seriously thinking you're leaking spinal fluid, get to the dr. and when he tells you it's just a runny nose ask him for help with your anxiety.