View Full Version : I am making myself ill with this anxiety.

29-11-18, 19:44
I don't really eat anymore, or feel the need to. I can't focus on much at all, I try and my thoughts distract me. I have a really upset stomach and nothing digests, it hurts when I eat food now.
I have constant thoughts running through my head, before I go to sleep and the minute I wake up. It's absolutely torture, I don't have friends really anymore because they've all moved on with their lives. The few people I tell my fears and worries too, don't really want to be hearing them.

I feel at a loss, I don't know how to make myself better. I feel like I am suffering from something that happened a few months ago, and it's really affecting my state of mind. I feel guilty constantly, and I feel like no one is giving me the reassurance I need (even though I know reassurance doesn't help). Don't really know how to make myself feel better.

I know this isn't a question, just feeling really really terrible and scared.

30-11-18, 00:11
Hi sorry to hear about you suffering like this. Have you been to docs. To talk through about therepy meds etc. It would be a good start to go to the doctors, Easy said than done if you treid exercise or go out walking i find it hard to exercise at times. But it does help. Hope you do get slightly better it’s good to share like this especially on here. It’s helped me numerous times,

Catherine S
30-11-18, 00:29
Mav, what happened to your positive success thread that you posted last week? You listed all the coping strategies for acceptence that you were using and saying that it was working well. I'm sorry to hear you've slipped back again.


30-11-18, 02:22

Look to the basics right now. Rebuild some routine. Smaller meals can help and trying to work in something to do each day so that you are up & about more. Even mundane cleaning tasks can help drag us out because we just want to sit/lie there but getting the body moving can wake it's systems up and we feel more capable & confident.

You've got the logical/rational side of things well covered and you are clearly an intelligent person. It's never enough for the subconscious though, until it starts changing negative core beliefs & irrational fears we have to learn to accept it is fighting for what it sees as important to protect us. The conscious mind however makes the big decisions and that counts but the subconscious has to do some reprogramming over time and this can be frustrating as we feel we are stuck or getting better to then sink again (blips).

Don't kick yourself to hard over having a blip or setback. Just keep going. It will pass. They are torture but the bad days can go and today is not a true reflection of your tomorrow.