View Full Version : Back Again....and really needing to vent

29-11-18, 22:07
Well, health anxiety snuck up and got me again. I've posted a few times over the years as my anxiety seems to come and go. With the birth of my second child my anxiety has really gone through the roof. It's just so frustrating to continually tell myself that I'm fine, but my mind keeps trying to convince me that I'm definitely sick. And don't even get me started on trying to explain to someone who doesn't have health anxiety that, "Yes, I know that it's most likely just heartburn, but I've convinced myself that it's pancreatic cancer." I've started on anxiety meds and they are definitely helping, but goodness is it a frustrating path. I'm currently convinced that I have pancreatic cancer and constantly checking past lab results, Dr. Google (I know, I know), and anxiously awaiting my doctor's visit next week.

Thanks for listening and for letting me get that off my chest :)

29-11-18, 22:27
Just want to give you a virtual hug. My anxiety is on and off again, especially worse now that I have to do weekly blood tests to monitor my preeclampsia condition since I’m in 3rd trisemester of my pregnancy.

29-11-18, 22:32
Hugh's to you too nhelen79! Pregnancy can be super stressful! I also had to have regular monitoring and weekly ultrasounds for a blood clotting condition, so I understand! Just keep telling yourself that you're so close to meeting baby and that those weekly checks are just a reassurance that they'll be able to catch anything they need to very quickly!

29-11-18, 23:20
I get it and I am so sorry to hear it. I think a lot of us really struggle with anxiety during and after pregnancy. I know that mine really came crashing down after the birth of my daughter 6 years ago and it has made itself nice and cozy. I agree that it is hard to tell yourself that you are fine. When I do that, part of my brain says, "Just you wait! AHAHAHAHA (evil laugh)" and I am back at square one. I am happy to hear that medication is working. Make sure to bring it up at your next appointment...the anxiety, not the pancreatic cancer. HUGS!

29-11-18, 23:49
I'm currently going through the same thing - my daughter is 4 weeks old (second child) and already I have gone for a mammogram (clear) and currently have convinced myself that my sore shoulder is bone metastisis. When I say it out loud, it sounds so silly but honestly, it's all I think about day in and day out. I have also had a really painful finger joint for months, it hasn't gone away since giving birth so... once again... bone metastisis. I have started on meds too but just don't know how to escape the worry. It's well and truly taking over now...

30-11-18, 06:55
My heath anxiety revved up big time with my first pregnancy and 4 years and 2 kids later it has yet to come down.

30-11-18, 16:52
I completely agree with all of you! It's so frustrating how all consuming health anxiety can be. I'm in what should be the best part of my life and instead of enjoying time with my young family, I'm constantly worrying about the next big illness.