View Full Version : Coughed up blood

30-11-18, 16:15
So the night before last I had a nose bleed that woke me up at 2am. Annoying but whatever. Well then after breakfast I spit out phlegm mixed with a blood clot. Had another bloody nose at like 1pm yesterday cause I 'm dumb and rubbed my nose without thinking and opened . THEN this morning spit up another blood clot. I should just write this off as being caused by a nose bleed right? I've never spit up blood from one before.

30-11-18, 16:27
Yes, that what you 'write it off as'. Absolutely - the cause and effect are right there. :D Blood clots can easily move through your nasal cavity whilst you are moving and sleeping. NOW don't rub your nose anymore! I presume the reason for your nose bleeds is known about ?

30-11-18, 16:35
Just the part that it was hours later worries me. And yeah I'm assuming this stupid dry air. I get them every year this time of year. I need to start using my humidifier when I sleep haha.

30-11-18, 16:37
Well, it was clearly still bleeding inside and didn't quite stop.