View Full Version : Not coping very well at the moment, need some advise?

01-12-18, 17:49
Hi, my panic attacks started when I was about 19, car accident, money worries, lost my first girlfriend and working 7 days a week.That was 23 years ago. Didn't know what was going on, thought I was going crazy. Didn't do anything about it for 10 years and ended up with agrophobia and general anxiety disorder. Done CBT, counselling, meditation group etc they all helped a bit but when I have a bad time nothing works apart from propanalol which helps stop the hyperventilation at least.

Moved house 6 months ago and that was very stressful and tiring. My old house was my sanctuary and I had a hobby with a clubhouse close by. Can't do my old hobby at new house and clubhouse is far away so lost contact with friends from there. Not 100% comfortable in new house yet, boredom with not doing my hobby, dark/cold winter, kids grown up and off to school all day and lack of friends has left me focusing on my anxiety symptoms which leaves me feeling anxious, depressed and sore with pulled muscles from tension. Oral thrush, IBS,rapid heartbeat etc etc. Depression and anxiety gives me symptoms which gives me health anxiety and round and round we go lol

Wish I could feel happy again and not be so focused on every little sensation in my body. My concentration is really bad right now and can't think my way out of this funk I'm in. My every thought is scanning my body and breath and then obsessing over it until I'm wound up like a timebomb. I'm getting pretty good at it.

Any ideas how I can get off this merry-go-round and be present mentally in my life and have fun with my family again, I can't talk to anyone as it worries my family and they don't know what to say. I just need cheered up and some reassurance that this will pass and I will feel able to cope a bit better again.

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read my post, I know it's long but needed to get it out.