View Full Version : How to stay calm whilst waiting for tests?

01-12-18, 21:35

I'm waiting for some tests (scan and cystoscopy). I'm trying hard to let my anxiety take hold.. but I'm struggling. I'm snapping at people and am internalising my worries and feeling every little niggle in my body.

So, what do you do that works to stay calm and focussed before and during tests?

Thank you

01-12-18, 22:57
I listen to music, watch a film, play with my son, watch comedy and sport.

What really saves my life for tests is getting some diazepam from my GP.

A week ago Wednesday i had 90mins of solid tests, i couldn't take diazepam for this but it was tests were i didn't feel to trapped with no escape.

Tuesday i had a nuclear scan that took 1hr 45mins and no way could i have done it without diazepam.

Yesterday i had an ultrasound and loads of blood tests. I didn't need as much diazepam for these as the nuclear scan but did need a little.

Is diazepam or some sort of benzo an option for you? Have a word with your GP?

01-12-18, 23:08
What really saves my life for tests is getting some diazepam from my GP.

Yeah, that's what I was going to say. After my cancer I had to go every three months for tests and exams for the first three years. I developed "scanxiety" as I had a 50/50 shot at the cancer coming back. I was fine for the most part but around two weeks prior to the appointments I would get edgy and really irritable. Doc gave me chill pills (Buspar and a benzo as needed) and that really helped.

Positive thoughts

02-12-18, 09:18
Thank you both. I haven't taken anxiety meds for a few years, but I do have a few 5mg diazapams that were prescribed for when I had a breast lump abscess biopsied. Do you think that's an ok dose? I actually hadn't thought about meds...I can't really take them before as I'm due to give a big talk tomorrow (ironically I'm a public speaker - not a problem for me at all). A friend suggested tapping...which may help for today and tomorrow. And then maybe a diazapam for the scan.

Fishmanpa - yes I understand scanxiety. Not to anyway the same level as you do. I had lots of pregnancy losses and scans were always devastating (I now have baby twins). I'm trying to tell myself not to worry until I'm told bad news - if I'm told bad news. But it's hard to ignore the niggles...

02-12-18, 14:13
I think a 5mg dose sounds fine and will certainly help you stay calmer.

Good luck with the tests and I hope they bring you reassurance and peace of mind.

02-12-18, 16:56
Thank you pulisa. I hope the tests go ok too... Struggling to stay positive... Even if I know that statistically the chances of it being cancer are so low... I need answers as to why I have persistent blood in my wee.

02-12-18, 21:20
Does anyone have any non-medication tips for getting through it/reducing anxiety?

02-12-18, 21:44
Does anyone have any non-medication tips for getting through it/reducing anxiety?

Have you looked HERE? (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=226282)

Positive thoughts

03-12-18, 08:58
Hi fishmanpa - I get that there is a search function - thank you. I'm just wondering what people that currently use the forum have done in the past to help themselves.

I'm trying to make quite a positive and helpful post (rather than reassurance seeking)...

03-12-18, 10:04
I find I am calmer when I am in the middle of a good book....
Good luck

03-12-18, 10:32
This may help you, it helped me.

So much focus is on 'what if it is, IF it is thats the worst thing ever, I could die, hope its not, what if it is?'. A couple of people (I've had cancer, 2 years 8 months ago now) made me confront it in a more healthy way whilst waiting for regular test results. I didn't thank them for it at the time LOL Many people did the usual 'Oh it won't be...don't worry' routine, but that doesn't help as your mind instantly goes to 'but it COULD be'. Two people in my life took a different approach (and apologies for those of you who have read this set of words a few times before).
Those two people said 'it might be, theres no amount of worry that can change the situation.....but IF it is we will deal with it'. One of those people was the consultant in charge of my cancer care. It removed a little of the fear of the worst possible outcome in my mind. I try and apply the same now to my regular tests, although I won't deny I get in a mess about them; I tell myself 'things could reccur, but they will deal with it again as they did last time'.

Of course you don't want to find out you have something that needs treatment, but that IS why we have tests and scans done. We have them done not just to find out there is nothing to be worried about, but also to find out that there are early changes that can be TREATED. I am not saying you have cancer, or trying to trigger you, but acceptance of the situation and that there may be something (hopefully benign) that needs treating is a better way to go on these scans.

03-12-18, 10:44
Thanks JoJo. That's a good idea - I do have a pile of books I want to read but haven't found the time... I will try and make time to do that this evening. Xxx

---------- Post added at 10:44 ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 ----------

Carys, thank you so much for taking the time to reply and to explain your thinking. That sounds like a really healthy way to approach these worries. You're right, when people say "oh it's nothing you'll be fine" my mind goes "how the heck do you know!". A better way would be, to thinking I'm taking a step closer to finding out what's wrong and getting treatment if it's needed. Objectively I know there's something wrong...(I have persistent blood in my wee), chances are it's nothing serious, but I know I have to take steps to find out what's going on so it can be sorted. Sometimes I find I feel calmest when i accept my worst fear... not sure how healthy that is though... and husband just ends up thinking I'm losing the plot lol! It's I wish they could sort it now rather than having to wait a couple of weeks. But that's just how it is I think.


03-12-18, 10:47
When are your tests spacebunny?

03-12-18, 11:28
JoJo - I have a kidney and pevic ultrasound scan tomorrow and an examination under anaesthetic in a couple of weeks.

03-12-18, 11:51
Such good luck for tomorrow- please keep us updated.

03-12-18, 15:28
Sometimes I find I feel calmest when i accept my worst fear...

I found the same. Once I accepted my 'worst fear' I could stop all the 'OMG, what if it is, what if it is, it can't be, it won't be' stuff. Following that, once you have your results, you can then switch all your energy and thoughts to getting something done to sort it out. All the best, and do update us as Jojo said. :D

03-12-18, 15:32
Hello spacebunny....I know exactly what you are going through I had a long thread regarding my own "blood in wee" issues starting back in September. I had a two week wait for my cystoscopy, and other tests done too, and it was indeed very nerve-wracking. I wish you the best. In my case, the results of my tests found no apparent cause, yet the blood returned a couple of months later, then disappeared again. I don't know what's going on, and I don't have any great advice for you as I'm a bit of a basket case myself, but just know you aren't alone in your fears and worries. Just try and distract yourself somehow. It's the best I can offer. I find when I sit by myself doing nothing, or lie down at night before I go to sleep, my mind goes a million miles an hour with worries. So I try to watch TV (though I hate coming across those damned cancer commercials!...not sure if they have those in the UK....I'm in the US), watch a movie, or read, or play a game. Our minds can lead us many places, not always pleasant....so we must try and keep it focused elsewhere the best we can.

03-12-18, 17:25
Thank you everyone. It's really helpful to have somewhere to "put" anxiety... i.e. this thread... where you don't feel judged etc. I don't show my anxiety in the *real* world... just become more quiet and snappy with people.

Wish me luck!


04-12-18, 07:30
Goodluck, spacebunny. You will be fine.
I’m goibg to my weekly blood tests tomorrow and understand your anxiety while waiting to clear things out.

04-12-18, 09:35
Good good luck Spacebunny. Thinking of you today!

04-12-18, 13:46
Wonderful and heartfelt advice from everyone on here..

Best of luck today, Spacebunny!

---------- Post added at 13:46 ---------- Previous post was at 13:44 ----------

This may help you, it helped me.

So much focus is on 'what if it is, IF it is thats the worst thing ever, I could die, hope its not, what if it is?'. A couple of people (I've had cancer, 2 years 8 months ago now) made me confront it in a more healthy way whilst waiting for regular test results. I didn't thank them for it at the time LOL Many people did the usual 'Oh it won't be...don't worry' routine, but that doesn't help as your mind instantly goes to 'but it COULD be'. Two people in my life took a different approach (and apologies for those of you who have read this set of words a few times before).
Those two people said 'it might be, theres no amount of worry that can change the situation.....but IF it is we will deal with it'. One of those people was the consultant in charge of my cancer care. It removed a little of the fear of the worst possible outcome in my mind. I try and apply the same now to my regular tests, although I won't deny I get in a mess about them; I tell myself 'things could reccur, but they will deal with it again as they did last time'.

Of course you don't want to find out you have something that needs treatment, but that IS why we have tests and scans done. We have them done not just to find out there is nothing to be worried about, but also to find out that there are early changes that can be TREATED. I am not saying you have cancer, or trying to trigger you, but acceptance of the situation and that there may be something (hopefully benign) that needs treating is a better way to go on these scans.

I think this approach really does give you some degree of power back over whatever you are facing.

04-12-18, 17:03
Hi everyone,

Thank you so much for the support :hugs: it means so much.

My pelvic and renal/bladder ultrasound was clear :yesyes:... however I still have blood in my wee (++ on dipstick)... it's been a month and a half since the first dipstick test. I definitely still need to have an examination under anaesthetic... but for now I'm tentatively reassured.

Bring on the 19th December!

04-12-18, 17:39
Hurrah!!! That is great news! Have a relaxing evening

04-12-18, 17:47
Good stuff !!!!!!! :D:D:D

19-12-18, 06:47
Today is the day for my cystoscopy and examination under gA. I have done brilliantly in managing my anxiety!I did Google at the start but stopped because after I found positive news and left it at that. Other people seem more worried than me! Wish me luck! Xxx

19-12-18, 07:49
Hey spacebunny, of course wishing the very best of fortune today. :D You HAVE definitely done really well managing this, I'm really impressed, not even any fearful posts on this thread. x

19-12-18, 07:50
Best of luck, Spacebunny!

19-12-18, 08:10
Good luck from me as well and well done on managing your anxiety so brilliantly!

Please let us know how you get on when you feel up to it? xx

19-12-18, 14:05
Does anyone have any non-medication tips for getting through it/reducing anxiety?
What helps me is knowing that if there is a problem, it will be identified and taken care of. You are already there, you have taken the steps, now it is just a matter of a few days to hear back. You are already in good hands, the process has started. Whatever it is, a few days or even a couple of weeks isn't going to make a difference. But there is no reason to worry, if there is anything bad the docs will get on it ASAP. It's not like you are procrastinating and delaying care.

Regarding benzos, I personally prefer to steer clear, despite that I have tons of anxiety and panic. That stuff has potential to cause some significant damage. I am not saying that everyone who takes it will have problems, I am just saying that there is a tangible potential, so why take those chances? Who needs benzos addiction on top of everything else?

19-12-18, 18:56
Hi everyone, so I had it all done today... Had a bladder biopsy as it was very inflamed and that's what's causing bleeding... Also have a heck of a lot of scar tissue and other gynae things going on which is what is causing the pelvic pain ..... But nothing obviously sinister. Glad I know now. Xxx

19-12-18, 19:51
Adhesions from previous surgery can cause a lot of pain. I'm really relieved for you-now you can enjoy Christmas with your babies! I hope you are offered treatment for the bladder inflammation-it sounds very painful xx