View Full Version : Xanax Withdrawals and they are bad!!!!

29-08-07, 16:01
PLease someone help me with some personal experience. I have been on Xanax for two years and am being made to wean off because of a pregnancy....The last few days have been hell I am taking about 1/3 of what I was and I have depression off and on and a lot of panic all DAY!! I feel like I may get to the breaking point and want to die...is this normal I am so absolutely terrified! Someone help!

29-08-07, 16:14
I'm so sorry to hear you are having such problems with the Xanax :mad:

My own thoughts on Xanax are that with it being a benzo with a short half life that perhaps the withdrawal effects could be worse than if you were tapering off a longer half life benzo such as Diazepam. Is there any way your GP would let you cross over to an equivalent doseage of Diazepam or another longer acting benzo to make the taper more tolerable? I certainly think you need to taper off slowly although I can understand the concern about your pregnancy too :hugs: