View Full Version : hello

29-08-07, 16:33
:D hi i am new to this and have only found my way...i suffer from panic attacks and have done for many years..they got worse in 2004 when i lost my daughter sarah in a car accident..:weep:

29-08-07, 16:48
Hello bell :welcome:to you.

I'm very sorry to hear of your sad loss - but glad you found us as I'm sure you'll get plenty of help and support here, and make some new friends too.

Pleased to meet you!


29-08-07, 16:49
hello bell hun..so glad you found us hun..your post maybe better in the introduce yourself bit.but i am sure the clever admins here will find the right place for you my love:) I cannot even pretend to know what you are going thru hun..i have 3 grown children and every day is a blessing that they are well and safe..my heart goes out to you it really does:hugs: :hugs: Have you had any grief counselling hun..or can you talk to anyone about the awful sadness you must feel?We will listen to you hun..everyone on here has their own cross to bear in one form or another and will offer you the hand of friendship:flowers: .Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

29-08-07, 17:28
hello bell hun..so glad you found us hun..your post maybe better in the introduce yourself bit.but i am sure the clever admins here will find the right place for you my love:) I cannot even pretend to know what you are going thru hun..i have 3 grown children and every day is a blessing that they are well and safe..my heart goes out to you it really does:hugs: :hugs: Have you had any grief counselling hun..or can you talk to anyone about the awful sadness you must feel?We will listen to you hun..everyone on here has their own cross to bear in one form or another and will offer you the hand of friendship:flowers: .Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
:winks: thankyou for your kind words paddie they mean alot:lac: i did not have any counselling but i do talk alot about sarah sometimes i feel i am getting their and other times i just dont no i have been of sick this past 7 weeks and find great comfort at home i also feel i can cope better but i am returning to work 2morrow i dont no how it will go just keep your fingers crossed thankyou again:)

29-08-07, 17:45
thankyou for your kind words paddie they mean alot idid not have any counselling but i do talk alot about sarah.sometimes ifeel i am getting their and other times i just dont no i have been of sick this past 7 weeks and find great comfort at home i also feel i can cope better but i am returning to work 2morrow i dont no how it will go just keep your fingers crossed thankyou again lots of love bell

29-08-07, 18:15
All the best for tomorrow bell - you're a very brave lady.

hugs for you



Paddie:I must have moved this just before you hit 'Enter' !!

well spotted:blush:thanks! xx

29-08-07, 19:44
Hi Bell,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

29-08-07, 19:47
Hi Bell

Lovely to meet you.

Take care x

29-08-07, 20:14
All the best for tomorrow Bell :bighug1:

29-08-07, 20:42
Hi Bell,

Welcome to the site. I too am sorry for the loss of Sarah. I can't imagine what would come with that kind of pain. You will find lots of support here and I hope tomorrow is a good day for you. Good luck.



29-08-07, 21:32
Hi Bell and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I'm very sorry to hear about your loss and hope work goes well tomorrow. Hopefully you have the weekend off to relax afterwards.

Take care,

Mike :)

29-08-07, 21:49
got everything crossed for you for tommorrow hun:hugs: let us know how you get on Bel:hugs: love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

29-08-07, 22:14
Hi Bell,

Good luck for tomorrow, i'm sure you will be fine. So sorry to hear of your loss. I know it's hard but try and stay positive. I too am new to the forum (today as it goes) and when my family and I were in the supermarket this evening I started to feel panicky. I thought about this forum and how everyone seemed so supportive on my first thread and how they could relate to me and it gave me comfort knowing i'm not the only one. Maybe if you start to feel anxious, you too could think back to this thread (your first) and hopefully it may help you. Just a thought :)

Looks like you have lots of supporters on here, me included :flowers:

Will be thinking of you tomorrow XxxX

29-08-07, 22:16
Dearest Bell

Good luck for tomorrow, i will be thinking of you. I cant imagine what you have been through and how you cope without sarah, but i can understand the feeling of comfort at being at home, take care lovely

lilibet x xx

30-08-07, 06:38
Hi Bell

Welcome to the forum you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

take care

Trac xxx

30-08-07, 17:39
:) Hi Bell :)

So sorry for your loss, I know you probably don't feel like it but you sound like you're a very strong person, despite the grief you must feel. As everyone has said, this site is a great place to come for advice & support; even if you just dip in & out when you need. :hugs:
So pleased for you to be getting back to work, I hope it went ok?
Take care, CarpeDiem

30-08-07, 19:28
Hi Bell

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


31-08-07, 14:13
hello bell and welcome im so sorry for your loss i know the pain i have lost a child also......lost many in my life but losing a child is one of the hardest ....my thots are with you.and i wish you the best to carry on and return to work......linda xx

01-09-07, 19:19
Hi Bell

A warm :welcome: aboard to you and hope we can be of some help.

So sorry to hear about your sad loss - must have been a very hard time for you all.

Pink Princess
03-09-07, 13:20

welcome to the site, sorry to hear about your daughters car crash. hope you find support and many friends here xxxxxx

love minnie xxxxxxxxxx

03-09-07, 13:24
Hi bell,

Welcome and best wishes for tommorrow

03-09-07, 13:29
Hi Bel..how did it all go hun..hope you are ok.Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxx