View Full Version : Delving WAY too far into astrology, need reassurance

03-12-18, 04:47
I was wondering if anyone on this site could help me with the anxiety I'm facing because of astrology. I absolutely hate it but in this generation, everyone is about it. I just want to get it out of my head. I read too far into birth chart compatibility and came across a bunch of negatives with my boyfriend. But I love my boyfriend and am planning to marry him in the upcoming years. But, reading this stuff it just makes me feel so....disgusted and defeated, and not to mention anxious.

I don't want to self phrophecize because of what I read. I just want to tell myself it's all fake, none of it is real and that what I've read is not real. But it's so hard when I can't find anything saying it's fake online.

So, have any of you ever had anxiety over astrology? I don't want to believe in it anymore. I want to know how not to do so. I read in the compatibility report that we would burn out and that's been stuck in my head as if I'm waiting for the moment it happens even when things are good.

I just want to not focus on this negativity and be happy. :weep:

So, does anyone have any advice and/or stories of astrology proving to be completely WRONG about two people's compatibility?

03-12-18, 11:01
It's fake, it's fabricated, it's nonsense.

The first step is to stop reading it.

03-12-18, 11:06
It is SO fake! There is no evidence backing it up WHATSOEVER

03-12-18, 14:27
Is the sky blue or green? Reality is blue. Astrology is green :winks:

Positive thoughts

03-12-18, 14:51
It's total garbage:lac:

03-12-18, 17:02
Astrology is an outdated pseudoscience. The bearing of stars, planets and other celestial objects on the life of any one person is irrelevant. Its easy to 'throw out ' astrology and not believe it, trust me.....the same as chain letters, facebook posts that promise money/the world/death if you don't follow the requested activities ,old wives tales and supersitions. Just don't read them, don't engage with them, they literally mean nothing.

03-12-18, 17:18
Just imagine to yourself who is writing this stuff.

A celestial being bathed in light with powers of foresight we can never begin to comprehend.

Or someone in an office churning this stuff out daily barely concentrating on what they are writing, their mind wandering on whether to have spagetti or baked beans for their tea.

It's utter bunkum.

06-12-18, 18:20
The adverts are damned clever/explotative for these threads....just popped onto this one and what should come up at the top - an astrology/horoscope link !

06-12-18, 19:41
This thread = people like Russell Grant, enough said!

---------- Post added at 19:41 ---------- Previous post was at 19:31 ----------

The adverts are damned clever/explotative for these threads....just popped onto this one and what should come up at the top - an astrology/horoscope link !


06-12-18, 23:08
I used to have anxiety about prophecies and predictions. Especially the likes of Nostradamus and such other nonsense spouters. Its telling that the more research you undertake into the meaning, or rather the lack of, behind such things, the post prophecy shoe horning, the misunderstandings, misinterpretations, forgeries (such as the completely fictional Nostradamus 911 prediction - remember that one) and just plain failures, the more you come to realise there's zero substance to any of this stuff.

Astrology is the same. Utter nonsense made up by people trying to make sense of existence but unwilling to cope with the unknowns by filling in the gaps with comfortable spiritual woo.

Ask an astrologer how they can explain stars and planets having an effect on our thoughts and our lives when those stars and planets are not actually located at the position we're seeing them in right now, thanks to relativity.

07-12-18, 01:37
The adverts are damned clever/explotative for these threads....just popped onto this one and what should come up at the top - an astrology/horoscope link !

Yep, it's been mentioned to Admin on the thread about the ads. I've seen cancer charity, cancer testing, DNA testing, etc. It goes on. Obvious HA triggers.

They really need to look at those ads.

---------- Post added at 01:37 ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 ----------

I used to have anxiety about prophecies and predictions. Especially the likes of Nostradamus and such other nonsense spouters. Its telling that the more research you undertake into the meaning, or rather the lack of, behind such things, the post prophecy shoe horning, the misunderstandings, misinterpretations, forgeries (such as the completely fictional Nostradamus 911 prediction - remember that one) and just plain failures, the more you come to realise there's zero substance to any of this stuff.

Astrology is the same. Utter nonsense made up by people trying to make sense of existence but unwilling to cope with the unknowns by filling in the gaps with comfortable spiritual woo.

Ask an astrologer how they can explain stars and planets having an effect on our thoughts and our lives when those stars and planets are not actually located at the position we're seeing them in right now, thanks to relativity.

The yearly September doomsday threads spring to mind.

10-12-18, 06:49
I know it’s false but I just keep going back to it! I look up my boyfriend, my friends, every man I’ve ever been with. I want some solid proof that I’m going to not be hurt in my relationship. But my therapist and I have been working on accepting things as they come.

As I was looking at the astrology stuff tonight though (I notice on stressful days I crawl back to it, it actually is a terrible addiction), I saw biorhythmic compatiblity on their as well and so I delved way too deal into THAT and now I’ve got a new problem on my hands, which is an old problem that has now again become new to me when I thought it never would happen to me again.

I saw my biorhythmic calendar and it said “physical health -100%”

Based on my calculations, no health means dead! And when did it say it would happen to me? TODAY OF ALL DAYS. Now I’m afraid to leave my house to go to do what I am supposed to be doing for fear I will die on the way there or while I’m there or whenever throughout the day. I actually am so scared because I read that biorhythmics is actual science.

I don’t know. I wish I didn’t delve into this kind of stuff. I just am extremely scared I will die now.

10-12-18, 08:04
I was wondering if anyone on this site could help me with the anxiety I'm facing because of astrology. I absolutely hate it but in this generation, everyone is about it. I just want to get it out of my head. I read too far into birth chart compatibility and came across a bunch of negatives with my boyfriend. But I love my boyfriend and am planning to marry him in the upcoming years. But, reading this stuff it just makes me feel so....disgusted and defeated, and not to mention anxious.

I don't want to self phrophecize because of what I read. I just want to tell myself it's all fake, none of it is real and that what I've read is not real. But it's so hard when I can't find anything saying it's fake online.

So, have any of you ever had anxiety over astrology? I don't want to believe in it anymore. I want to know how not to do so. I read in the compatibility report that we would burn out and that's been stuck in my head as if I'm waiting for the moment it happens even when things are good.

I just want to not focus on this negativity and be happy. :weep:

So, does anyone have any advice and/or stories of astrology proving to be completely WRONG about two people's compatibility?

Lucrative as it may sound, for the love of God, don't depend on something as abstract and irrational as astrology to decide who your life partner is going to be. That needs to be decided by real life entities - that reside on earth. Not on some hypothetical position of planets and stars.

If astrology or palmistry were actually true, everything in this world would have been predicted. But the fact is, even those who believe in astrology look on both sides of the road before crossing it. If they are so certain about their life - why not just cross the road with your eyes closed??

10-12-18, 10:30
Really good post above Soda. You've been given lots of opinions and thoughts, but you say you are still spending significant time looking and analysing astological things, so what more can we say/do ?

10-12-18, 14:58
I know it’s false but I just keep going back to it! I look up my boyfriend, my friends, every man I’ve ever been with. I want some solid proof that I’m going to not be hurt in my relationship. But my therapist and I have been working on accepting things as they come.

This sounds very similar to what I have experienced. I used to have many psychic readings from Mediums, but these days I don't because of the following example:

One Medium told me that my first relationship would fail, but my second one would work. When I was in my first relationship, it use to play on my mind that "this is going to fail" and so, I ended up sabotaging it when, in hindsight, we could have been happy.

I'm still a single guy and happy to stay that way, but one thing I have learned is that at the end of the day, DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE INFLUENCED BY 'PSYCHICS' whether they do their predictions through phone, privately or in the papers. Because you may find that the truth is that there is the risk that you may end up performing a 'self fulfilling prophesy'. That you may end up sabotaging your relationship without realising that it is you doing it.

Remember that anxiety feeds on the fear of what could happen in the future. It is anxiety that likes reading the astrology stuff. Discard all of it. If you know in your heart that your relationship is doing great, then hold onto that, not the words of an astrologer.

10-12-18, 17:33
Mediums are either liars or lunatics. Its all just cold reading, fishing and vague generalities. None of it is real. Just like astrology. Completely unfounded and with no real evidence backing any of it up.