View Full Version : Groin/Thigh pain

03-12-18, 22:42
Hello everyone,

This time I actually went a month or so without being worried. I started getting groin and thigh pain about 6 weeks ago, just thought it may be my upcoming period. When it didn’t go away I thought I had sprained it. Now it’s constant. Lifting my leg makes it worse. I have been having right sided pelvic pain as well and can tell I have an ovarian cyst (have had them before). Could this pain be from the cyst? It is my right thigh and groin that hurts. Certain positions make it worse. Resting makes it better except at night when the pain just intensifies. Trying not to Google this time. Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience before with ovarian cysts and groin pain or just regular muscular groin pain.

05-12-18, 00:50
No one?

I actually tried to search this very problem on the forum and I didn’t get many results that were similar to mine. Which makes me even more worried, bah

05-12-18, 12:58
I'm a guy so this may not be much help, but I've had this groin/thigh pain for the past 2 months or so. I don't know what it's from but seems to get worse when sitting. Sometimes it feels like it could be from an issue in my lower back, as some of the nerves back there can effect the groin area. Other times it feels like its radiating from my abdomen. I tend to think its muscular. As my groin and inner thigh feel really tight when try to open my leg to one side.

I've had so many issues from my right side, this just seems to be another one. I try not to let my mind run away.

06-12-18, 00:45
Thank you for replying. Mine is not so much while sitting. I can feel it with certain movements and sometimes when I’m lying down. The lying down part is what scares me the most :( :(