View Full Version : cervical cancer (back to where it started)

05-12-18, 14:28
I'm due a smear in a few weeks, this is what triggered my initial anxiety 3 years ago.

Now, since birth I've had discharge, yellowish and smells like old period/vinegar. Isn't much of it but I'm wearing a liner every day. I know increase in discharge is sign of cervical cancer.I took a canesten cantest yesterday and swabbed and according to leaflet I have BV. Would cervical cancer show up? Today I've also got cramp in my groin and another sign of CC.

I had check ups during and after birth to check dilation and infection ect would they notice cervical cancer from swabs or looking?

05-12-18, 14:58
I'm due a smear in a few weeks, this is what triggered my initial anxiety 3 years ago.

Now, since birth I've had discharge, yellowish and smells like old period/vinegar. Isn't much of it but I'm wearing a liner every day. I know increase in discharge is sign of cervical cancer.I took a canesten cantest yesterday and swabbed and according to leaflet I have BV. Would cervical cancer show up? Today I've also got cramp in my groin and another sign of CC.

I had check ups during and after birth to check dilation and infection ect would they notice cervical cancer from swabs or looking?

It is normal after having a baby to have an increase in discharge. I had it for weeks after my baby. If you already got checked post baby, then safe to say you are fine. Cramps and soreness after a baby are normal too.

05-12-18, 17:23
Hi, I had extensive and severely precancerous cells found many years ago now... I had a very watery discharge before they were removed... and there was lots. The kind you are describing sounds like luteal phase discharge (so after you've ovulated but before your period). If it doubt go to a sexual health clinic (much better than GP IMO). Also, my fluids were off after having kids... now back to normal. However, saying all this, if you've had a baby not long ago and are having any unusal discharge I would def get checked out for an infection.

05-12-18, 18:19
I had cervical cancer & didn't have a single symptom. And no a canestan test wouldn't show up cancer. It doesn't sound like you have any REAL reason to worry so please don't put yourself through it unnecessarily.

06-12-18, 02:37
Like utrocket explained, things like this can be normal after giving birth. Your body has just been through a massive change. Things are bound to take time to restore their equilibrium.

How are things going with your new baby?

06-12-18, 21:36
Hey Helen,

Smears are scary, I think the waiting is really hard! I'm going for mine next week too, my last result was CIN2. My aunt's both had cervical cancer, their symptoms were really obvious - dark brown/black discharge, offensive smell, pain. They are both alive and well now! Try not to worry lovely. Smears are a preventative measure and not that much of a diagnostic tool, you are getting a smear to prevent cervical cancer by dealing with any abnormal cells, if any are found.
