View Full Version : mole worries again, i feel like im about to cry

12-01-18, 09:46
in my panic i posted to the wrong subforum. gotta love anxiety :wacko:

i found a shiny red dot on my leg that i assumed to be a bug and flipped out, and then found out that it was a part of my leg. i thought it was a tiny plastic rhinestone that fell off of something and picked it off, but since it left a small red mark that stings... it was probably a part of me :unsure:

im worrying about it since i read about it possibly being a mole, but if i picked a mole off then thats bad news... and if i grew a mole in a few hours to a day, its time to sh*t my pants. ive been doing good with my anxiety but this is making me worry a lot. it looked like a small droplet of blood, like if you pricked your finger, but solid...? im sure i wouldve noticed a bright red dot on my leg before. what do i do

12-01-18, 12:20
First its normal to grow new moles up till age 60. Second if you actually picked off a mole, it would have bled like crazy

12-01-18, 14:37
I would just watch it for a few days or longer and see if the spot you picked heals.

01-12-18, 06:49
sorry for running here again after so long. ive been able to mostly ignore my HA because of life issues, but it seems like it likes to creep up on me when im enjoying myself

i have this line (scratch-like) mark on my back that acts like a scar/scab. its brown, very thin, and small/short. ive had this for months probably as ive noticed it before but ignored it thinking it was going to go away, and it clearly hasnt

i decided to stupidly google "scar that hasnt gone away" and dr google decided to drop the big C word on me, which is really working me up. i keep wanting to pick at it, but when i try i cant seem to do it as it feels more embedded in my skin than i thought. though i could also just be too cautious to be doing it bc im afraid itll start bleeding (it hasnt ever yet) or worse, as it hurts a little when i try. it doesnt LOOK like a typical mole or scab, it's a line after all, like a scar you get from being scratched... but it doesnt look like typical scars either i see in images. though my scabs/scars are always brown bc of my complexion (i have an olive tone that gets super tan) i cant help but worry bc of how long ive had it

can i please get reassurance? i feel like im going to drive myself up the wall. i asked my dad to look at it and he said it himself it looked like a scratch too. ill be honest and say i do tend to sleep on rough surfaces (my bed has seen better days) that could've scratched it up, but the fact that it hasnt gone away and still feels like a fresh scab/scar is... worrying. ill also add that my back is always really dry, when i just step out of showers in the morning and bend over it feels like its on fire; but my skin is also just really dry and sensitive.

01-12-18, 07:20
ok ive attached an image of it (first time seeing it myself) because i had trouble beforehand and my worries are a little less intense now that i can SEE it see it, but its still worrying how long this has been on my back

01-12-18, 09:38
It looks like a normal healing scratch to me? My daughter has excema and she often has scratches like that on her back from where she scratches in the night.
It looks like healthy skin, not infected.

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01-12-18, 10:17
Thanks for the reassurance :( after my inital freakout ive started to calm down enough to think about it more rationally but i hate that the fear is still gonna be there. but i think im just looking for something to worry about

01-12-18, 15:58
Normal healing TINY scabs from scratch. I suspect what is happening is that every time you have a shower or something you wash the scabs off and they need to keep reforming...or something similar.

01-12-18, 17:07
Thanks for the reassurance :( after my inital freakout ive started to calm down enough to think about it more rationally but i hate that the fear is still gonna be there. but i think im just looking for something to worry about

It’s ok, it happens to all of us.

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05-12-18, 23:12
im so sorry for coming back again so soon especially about something i thought i put behind me. the mole on the sole of my foot has been secretly gnawing at me still even though i was sure i was over it by now but ever since the area around that mole has been getting itchy periodically I've been slowly worrying more about the what ifs until i snapped. i looked at pictures of acral melanoma and nearly fainted because they look almost exactly like my mole. it hasn't changed at all since j first saw it a year ago or so at least not from what i can tell BUT i read that this type of melanoma can be slow growing. this + the appearance + the itching drove me absolutely bananas and i had to run to the bathroom of my college just to take a photo of it and scream about it here. im finally getting my first job soon but i probably won't be paid in months as i have to do a ton of certification and background checks for training before i can start and even then without insurance or transportation i don't think i can see a dermatologist anytime soon. im absolutely paranoid that i let a serious condition like this go unchecked for so long because i tried to shrug off my own worries forcefully and ill have to pay the price

05-12-18, 23:21
I’ve been there, especially picture comparisons. Thanks Google.

But I think time is on your side—if it hasn’t changed in a year, even if it was slow growing, it would have had to show some sign of change if it were malignant I would think. Dermatologists sometimes have a long wait time—you could try to time it so you get in right when you get insurance? Has it been looked at before or no?

05-12-18, 23:27
Google is the bane of our existence. I feel like i should've kicked this habit by now
I haven't been able to get it looked at ever. I've shown my family who both thought I was overreacting and said that it was normal to get moles, and I showed my friend and he said that it seemed like something special (id rather be normal in this case)
I don't know if ill be able to get benefits as i don't think I'll be taking full time at my job. But I figured with the money I get from it i could end up paying out of pocket to see a dermatologist. I live in a desert state too so they're common here, but I wouldn't know how much to pay

06-12-18, 18:48
I'm currently cooking dinner, so didn't really read your post, but I looked at your picture.

Your mole does NOT violate any of the ABCDEs

- Assymetry - looks symmetrical to me
- Border - has a clear border
- Colour - its an even colour
- Diameter - it does not look bigger than a pencil eraser
- Evolution - your mole has not changed

My dermatologist told me that itching is actually very RARELY a symptom of melanoma.

07-12-18, 01:11
I'm currently cooking dinner, so didn't really read your post, but I looked at your picture.

Your mole does NOT violate any of the ABCDEs

- Assymetry - looks symmetrical to me
- Border - has a clear border
- Colour - its an even colour
- Diameter - it does not look bigger than a pencil eraser
- Evolution - your mole has not changed

My dermatologist told me that itching is actually very RARELY a symptom of melanoma.

is it really? one of the warning signs people say they have is when a mole itches its worrying. the mole itself isnt usually itchy but the area around it is, so it set me off into thinking "well it's trying to get my attention to that area"
knowing that though sort of helps put my mind at ease for what i can do while i twiddle my thumbs, thank you for that!

07-12-18, 08:32

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