View Full Version : Anyone else a nervous flyer? How do you stay calm?

06-12-18, 18:43
I am going on my first flight in 6 years on Monday and half of me is pretty chilled about it and the other half is a nervous wreck. The first time I flew, I was fine. I didn't like flying but didn't panic or anything and then when I last flew, I took huge panic attacks and pretty much made a fool of myself.

What do you guys do to help keep your nerves in check both before and during the flight?

06-12-18, 21:52
How long is your flight?

Do you use Netflix? I downloaded a movie onto my phone and watched that with my headphones on whilst flying. Also took a diazepam! Take lots of distracting things.

07-12-18, 20:39
Hi GingerFish,

I started to struggle flying as my anxiety got worse in the last 10 years and really struggled on long haul flights to South Africa especially on my own. I used to try and drink a lot of water to stay hydrated even just having a soft drink with my meal. I tried to get an aisle seat so that I could get and walk every so often stretching my legs and I took a good book and watched the movies if they were supplied. Try and have a good walk around airport before the flight and distract yourself from worrying about the flight. I have suffered claustrophobia on flights and have rarely slept on flights even having a sleepless nights before I fly but most fliers have fears of some kind or other with flying , just try to think of your destination and what you are going to be doing whether its a holiday or not, flying is definitely the quickest way of getting to destinations .
Sorry for waffling on but I hope you are able to fly in the future.
Take Care rcs :)

07-12-18, 22:26

08-12-18, 00:30

I thought this went without saying :whistles: x

08-12-18, 11:49
I'm terrible in airports, I ruin every single holiday for myself by having a panic attack as soon as I start queing for check in! But it's good to know that you might panic because it means you can have a plan in place.
I used to take my Rescue Remedy spray with me & use it regularly before I boarded. Try to use the flight as a time to relax & get into holiday mode - I download some guided meditations to listen to, a funny podcast, anything I can listen to to keep my mind busy. Buy your favourite snacks & refreshments before you board so you've got some nice treats to enjoy. Get a nice new eye mask, pop it on once you're settled, put your headphones in and listen to something lovely. A mini bottle of a relaxing scent can be helpful too. Maybe buy yourself a nice travel pillow - anything that will make the flight seem like a time of luxury and relaxation instead of something to be feared x