View Full Version : Last few days I’ve had a feeling of intense panic like I’m going to die

06-12-18, 18:55
I’m feeling so fed up I was doing so well with my anxiety then something else happens! I haven’t felt this way for a very long time and out of the blue I feel like it. My BP was high thought I would have a heart attack. Anyone else get this. It is really affecting my life plus I live on my own. I’m so scared I’ve hardly slept for nights please help

06-12-18, 19:20
I think it's probably happened to most people on here - it's certainly happened to me. I know it's tough, but I promise, better days are coming. Do you have any coping strategies in place?

06-12-18, 20:37
Definately been there before, it helps to get your mind off of it. Ive listened to this at my worst and it really helped calm me, every single time I watch it I feel that way. https://youtu.be/YLO4ZEsQtqo

Hope it helps you like its helped me in the past. All the best xx

07-12-18, 18:17
Thank you for your kind responses. I usually try to distract myself somehow. I’m so sick of anxiety every time I feel better I get another symptom like my heart flutters and thuds it horrible can’t go on like this x

07-12-18, 18:47
Thank you for your kind responses. I usually try to distract myself somehow. I’m so sick of anxiety every time I feel better I get another symptom like my heart flutters and thuds it horrible can’t go on like this x

It always feels like this when you've fallen into an anxiety spiral, always remember "this too shall pass". Anxiety comes in waves and it comes with all sorts, a whole host of anxiety symptoms and depressive states and horrid thoughts but, even in your worst moment, just have faith in time healing all and it will pass. :hugs:

18-12-18, 16:19
Anxiety is exhausting. I am currently suffering a bad bout of panic/anxiety. I have dry retching, feel flat then highly freaked out and don't know where to turn. My body was jerking me awake last night so sleep was out of the question and I was ok a few weeks ago. I haven't felt like this for a long time.

19-12-18, 12:59
Thank you for your messages kind people. I have just seen the GP and I am waiting for a 7 day holster to check my heart but he thinks it is anxiety related. He has discussed taking Sertraline but because I have anxiety around meds I don't know what to do!!