View Full Version : Tingling mostly in one area? Anyone experienced this?

14-11-18, 18:28
Hi all,
This is a new one for me. Anyone ever experience mild tingling in their feet/soles of feet?! I have been getting this recently. It would last for a few minutes then go Away, then come back. I am 29 yr old male. I'm trying not to worry to much but I have been worried about neurological issues lately(MS being a big one). It doesn't feel like my foot is asleep or painful, but it's like a tingling sensation. Could it be any less severe issue like pinched nerve? Or could it be a symptom of anxiety? Does working about the tingling make it worse?
Any help would be appreciated.

14-11-18, 19:11
This is bizarre because this has happened a few times now:

I've had a symptom for a few days, then come on here and find someone has posted the same thing.

I had this for a few days until recently, when it went away after I stopped paying attention to it. It was exactly as you describe...

"Brain tumour" is my fear of choice, and has been for seven YEARS. I'm certain we're both just suffering from anxiety :)

Good luck

14-11-18, 19:14
This is bizarre because this has happened a few times now:

I've had a symptom for a few days, then come on here and find someone has posted the same thing.

I had this for a few days until recently, when it went away after I stopped paying attention to it. It was exactly as you describe...

"Brain tumour" is my fear of choice, and has been for seven YEARS. I'm certain we're both just suffering from anxiety :)

Good luck

Interesting!!! What did youndontonatop thinking abou that?

14-11-18, 19:19
Although this may not help you as I'm not sure of your anxiety background, what has been wokring for me recently is:

* Acknowledging brain tumours are a very rare affliction. A GP would only expect to see ONE in their entire career (of the glioblastoma variety, the worst kind)

* I could probably list around 30 symptoms I've attributed to brain tumours over the last 7 years. Possibly up to 50 if I really sat and thought about it. So I'd ask myself "what makes me think I'm right this time?"

Instead of worrying thinking "this could be it this time", I've sat and thought "I've been wrong so many times".

I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but I'm looking forward to my CBT. I'll keep everyone on here updated regarding it

15-11-18, 12:57
Oh ok thanks!!
Any other experiences!?

16-11-18, 16:38

16-11-18, 17:30

Tight socks and/or shoes? :shrug: I don't know what you want people to do other than guess.

Positive thoughts

19-11-18, 18:20
I know it's hard fish, but I'm juat looking for others who may have had this issue??

19-11-18, 19:45
I get it sometimes this year on the sole of my foot. Must be related in some way to either anxiety or the harmless balance issue I have (which is also affected by anxiety too). So no, not necessarily anything to freak out about. If it keeps happening a lot feel free to ask your doctor but don't waste time and energy fretting about it.

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20-11-18, 16:53
Ugh it's such a small sensation but it's bothering me so much.
Has anyone been to a doctor
About it?

Anxiety (if this is what it is) sucks

20-11-18, 17:04
Wingo, Our bodies are noisy. That's just the way it is. You're describing a minor discomfort that comes and goes for a few minutes. It could be a nerve thing or an anxiety thing but that's actually irrelevant. Your anxiety has latched onto it and here you are. Most everyone here has had a similar thing happen. I had the same issue in my left shoulder/arm area for over a month. It was not only tingling and numb feeling but painful. It would come and go like yours. It just went away after a while. Go figure :shrug:

I found the best way to deal with it was to just deal with it and go on with my life.

Positive thoughts

22-11-18, 18:18
Has anyone on here been afraid of Ms?? What symptoms did you have? How did you get over the fear??

im currently dealing with some tingling in my feet issues. it seems to be mostly in my right foot, but sometimes in my left as well.

22-11-18, 19:08
Loads and loads of people have, if you do a search you will find stacks of threads about it. I haven't experienced this fear I have to say, probably as I know a few people who have it, and have done for many years, and are doing just fine and you'd hardly know.

23-11-18, 08:19

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


27-11-18, 09:08
I got this too, could be due to bad posture and such.

27-11-18, 09:46
My left foot tingles every so often and it's been going on for over a year now. Had an MRI, convinced I had MS, but was told by two different neuro's that I'm fine.

I still worry about it sometimes as it keeps popping up (albeit much less frequently than it used to). I just take comfort in the fact that while it is uncomfortable, it'll inevitably go away like it has in the past and move on. I find the more I focus and worry about it, the longer it tends to stick around.

Read the MS sticky thread at the top of the page and try to move on.

28-11-18, 17:09
My left foot tingles every so often and it's been going on for over a year now. Had an MRI, convinced I had MS, but was told by two different neuro's that I'm fine.

I still worry about it sometimes as it keeps popping up (albeit much less frequently than it used to). I just take comfort in the fact that while it is uncomfortable, it'll inevitably go away like it has in the past and move on. I find the more I focus and worry about it, the longer it tends to stick around.

Read the MS sticky thread at the top of the page and try to move on.

Thanks guys!
I feel like the more I think about it this the Worse it is. I know this is a bad example
But I was arguing with my wife yesterday about something unrelated and I forgot about thisntingling feeling and it was gone.
I have also noticed that sometimes it moves from one foot to another. It is still majority in my right foot, but also in my left here and there. Maybe like a 70/30 split.

30-11-18, 14:23
How can we keep ourselves occupied and not constantly worry about this symptom?

30-11-18, 14:43
How can we keep ourselves occupied and not constantly worry about this symptom?

How do you ignore harmless body noise? You just do. Besides the fact it's just body noise, harmless and you should ignore it and move on with your life, you find things to distract yourself (preferably not arguing with your wife). Another way is to not post about it here. By writing about it, you're giving it importance and putting it in the forefront of your mind.

Positive thoughts

30-11-18, 18:58
I guess it comes down to your brain's habit. If your natural tendency currently goes like this:

Cue:. Foot tingles
Response:. omg what if I have MS!?!?
Effect:. worry, fear, anxiety

then it needs to change. It's not easy, it will take conscious effort. Maybe it will take a challenged thought process:

Response:. Omg I have MS....wait...no, I have been checked for that. Tingling is a relatively normal and harmless sensation. It's just a sensation. That stupid thing, time to get back to doing X.

Eventually it will become natural. Maybe like this:

Cue:. Foot tingles
Response:. Haha that stupid thing again, I'll wiggle my toes and get back to doing X
Effect:. Brain is now focused on X

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06-12-18, 19:01
Has anyone experienced tingling or weird sensations only in one area?
For a couple weeks now I have noticed my right foot tingling a bit. Occasionally it moves to the left for, but like 80% of the time it is my right one. It definitely comes and goes. Obviously when I Sri p thinking about it it goes away, but have e heard that anxiety usually presents itself with tingling in many parts of the body.
Has anyone had tingling mostly in just one part of the body??

06-12-18, 19:08

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.
