View Full Version : Cancer fears in full throttle.

07-12-18, 09:45
I just got over my HIV fears after getting a STD test done. But now it's cancer.

When I went to bed last night, I notice I had an u explained bruise on my lower right torso and one on my right breast . I thought this was odd but I went to bed, then I woke up this morning with two dark spots on my tongue, red spots on my skin and inside mouth, and blood (red and brown) in my mucous.

I freaked out and went to the ER. They took a bunch of blood test and now I'm waiting for the results.

I've been googling my symptoms and low and behold a list of cancers came up.

Now I'm freaking out. I've had a panic attack in the ER waiting too but thankfully no one noticed.

It's likey greatest fear of getting cancer is coming true.

07-12-18, 10:13
No not leukaemia. Anxiety making you hyperfocus. And just because they tested you does NOT mean they think there's abything wrong with you. They HAVE to test anyone who presents

07-12-18, 10:54
ER doctor came in said I have extremely low blood platelet count. They are going to send me to another hospital down the street that deals with blood issues. I'm even more worried because this is a symptom of cancer.

I can't even think straight right now.

07-12-18, 13:20
Ctazygal I'm both very surprised and sorry to hear this, but thrombocytopenia can be caused by many many things. Rx meds can cause this.

Please keep us updated. Good luck

07-12-18, 23:17
Any updates hun x

08-12-18, 02:01
Waiting for an update here too. Praying you get answers and an easy solution. xo

08-12-18, 02:03
Hope you have an answer! Thinking of you and hoping it is something easily taken care of!!

08-12-18, 06:06
I've been diagnosed with something called ITP. I've been admitted in the hospital for 4 days. I've been given a platlett transfusion and then I'll be given some IV meds. The doctor said I mostly have this because I recently had tonsilitis. He said when the numbers go I should be OK, but there is a chance this because a chronic problem. I'm booked for a spleen ultrasound tomorrow.

White blood count is normal, so that's a promising sign it isn't cancer related.

08-12-18, 12:39
Glad you have an answer and are on your way to being back to good health. Hopefully a once and done but at least you know what it is and can stay on top of it.

10-12-18, 06:48
Sorry for the scare but glad it looks not to be cancer related like you feared. What’s ITP?

11-12-18, 10:21
Just got discharged from the hospital. These were some depressing 4 days. I'm really scared. My doctor has now put me on steroids for one month to keep my blood platelets levels up. I'm already struggling to lose weight, and steriods are definitely not going to help.

I looked at my blood results. And my total protein level CRP levels are elevated. My doctor hasn't mentioned anything about it. But I googled it and it says it can be a sign of some type of blood cancer or inflammation in the body. I'm freaking out even more.

I feel like my life is spiraling out of country. I'm so scared right now.

11-12-18, 15:54
You were diagnosed with a rather common ailment that is easily treated and monitored. You were in the hospital, tested and that's it. Follow up with your GP so they're aware and they'll keep an eye on things.

And for goodness sakes.. Stay the heck away from Dr Google! :lac:

Positive thoughts

12-12-18, 07:08
Trying to stay away from doctor Google. Unfortunately I just found out that the hematology department I am going to is in same building as oncology. I'm freaking out big time now. I'm so scared I may have something more serious. Like why is the hematology department housed in the same department as oncology?

12-12-18, 07:19
Those two specialties often intersect and some docs are certified as a hematologist-oncologist. It doesn’t mean YOU have both of those issues going on—it’s more on the doc side of things. Plus I imagine both sets of patients are managed similarly (infusions for example).

12-12-18, 10:08
As Worrywart84 said.

Patients with certain types of 'blood cancers' will get the same IV infusions as oncology patients (e.g. Vincristine). It makes sense to have this housed in the same area. As well, both will be supplied by the same hospital pharmacy department. This keeps all healthcare professionals with the appropriate knowledge in the same area.

For example, we often see people with haemophilia coming in for treatment. It's NOT cancer, but because it's a haematological condition, it's treated in the haematology department...

31-12-18, 13:26
Update :

My blood platelet count is back in the normal range ( 250,000). Doctor said no indication of cancer.

But my blood test suggest something rheumatoid is going on in body, so I've now been referred to a rheumatologist.

At least it's not cancer, but I'm kind of bummed out I might have some serious joint or inflammation disorder.