View Full Version : Hi I am new!

30-08-07, 00:43
Hello my name is bradford and i am 29 years old.
I live in scotland in the U.K.
I have had fear disorders for the last 12 years.
I had my first severe panic attack in june 1995,Thankfully i have never had one so bad since.
I also have social anxiety disorder,I have never had employment or a social life ever!
I never left my home between the year 1998 and 2003 due to severe agrophopia which i developed,By 2003 i was going insane!
In 2003 i was on the edge of insanity,but fortunately i started receiving professional help for my disorders in that year.
I did not know it at the time but it was the start of my recovery from "the fear".
I have been in treatment now 4 years and my agrophobia has all but gone!:D
I still suffer from anxiety and social anxiety,iam currently working towards overcoming those phobias.

Well thats pretty much what i want to say right now,I look forward to chatting with fellow sufferers.

30-08-07, 00:51
Hello bradford :welcome:to you!

Woah, rough time you've had, but great you're making progress now.:yesyes:

You'll find plenty of help and support here for your continued progress - we're all here for each other.

Pleased to meet you!


30-08-07, 00:58
Hi Bradford and :welcome:. I to have a social phobia,along with anxiety,panic attacks ect.
There is lots of support here and advise.Your never alone.:yesyes: :yesyes:

well done on overcoming alot of your fears.:hugs: :hugs:

30-08-07, 02:43
Firstly as MASSIVE well done for overcoming your agoraphobia. Care to pass on some tips!???

...and secondly, Hi and welcome :)


30-08-07, 06:27

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

30-08-07, 12:05
Hi Bradford,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

30-08-07, 14:06
Hi Bradford

:welcome: to nmp!

I too had agoraphobia for a few years and it took a lot of work but im now thankfully free of it, so I understand how hard you must have worked to overcome it, so well done hun :yesyes:

Hope you enjoy the site and make some good friends, I know I have and its really helped me understand my probs be more positive about life and not feel so alone with it.

Take care

30-08-07, 17:43
:) Hi Bradford :)

Welcome to the site - Well done for conquering the agoraphobia; I'm not quite there yet but the light at the end of this loooooooooong tunnel is now in sight at least! I'm making improvements little by little (I assume you were the same) so surely thats the way to go with your other phobias/issues? Keep at it, sounds like you're already on the right path.
Take care, CarpeDiem

30-08-07, 19:26
Hi Bradford

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


30-08-07, 20:50
Hi Bradford and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while meeting new friends along the way. Well done for overcoming the agoraphobia, I'm sure you'll conquer the other phobias too.

Take care,

Mike :)

30-08-07, 22:57
Howdy Bradford. Welcome to this fab website.

I'm very pleased, despite how servere your fear, anxiety and shyness was at the start that you're making a good recovery from it all. The help you've had must have really helped, but you still made a wise choice coming on here as it should provide you an extra boost to your progress.

Have fun getting to know the site and members, and happy posting.:) :)

31-08-07, 00:27
Thanks for the comments guys!
I look forward to chating with you all

31-08-07, 01:09
hi bradford and welcome im so happy for you to over come the agraphobia keep up the good work.....linda

01-09-07, 17:24
Hi Bradford,

Welcome to NMP. Wow seems like you have already done a lot of hard work! You will find many here who feel like you do and will get tons of support.



01-09-07, 19:14
Hi Bradford

A warm :welcome: aboard to you and hope we can be of some help.

Pink Princess
03-09-07, 13:17

love minnie xxxxxxxxxxx