View Full Version : Can anyone help with this? On and off stitch pain for a few days

07-12-18, 18:20
I can't see my doctor until late next week so I'm panicking a little

So Sunday it felt like I pulled a muscle in my stomach, if that's even possible. Exactly like tweaking your back. There was a pulling pain if I moved a certain way. After a couple days it went, but since then I've been getting stitches in my left and right side on and off. It feels exactly like a stitch. More uncomfortable than I'm in real pain. And my stomach/abdomen was a bit sore to the touch, but that's getting better

The positives I'm taking is it is improving mostly. It isn't effecting my sleep at all, actually sleeping great and it's more of an annoyance than really bad pain. But I have a rally low pain threshold so I don't know

I have no other serious symptoms and it never gets worse

The only weird thing is it seems to happen more in the afternoon/evening

In the morning and late at night I feel brilliant