View Full Version : A little update

07-12-18, 20:06
Hi all, I've had a lot happen in the last month. I went to German by myself to get stuff around for my study starting soon. It was stressful but I manged to get it done all by myself :)!

I've been mostly okay with the health anxiety I get moments, like when I start to think about how my heart works or at night I tend to jerk alot. Sometimes I get chest pains but I'm at lot better at telling myself it's nothing just reflex. I've also had a bad cold for two weeks but I'm doing my best to shift it and not worrying about it to much! It's all rather exhausting. I had some bloods done for my iron and b12 check and didn't hear anything back so must be good!

On the downside I've been having a lot of bad as in down days lately. I'm speaking to my therapist about that to try and get a better grip on it all.

So, it's rather up and down but I'm doing my best to carry on and live life!