View Full Version : I am so Mad!!!!!!!

30-08-07, 00:53
In May I was going on holiday and my brother took an overdose the night before I was due to go.Well Im going away on Saturday and he doesnt know Im going. But hes done it again!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: This time he phoned at 4.00pm to say he had his benefit money stolen,he was drunk on the phone.He phoned at 11.45pm to say that on his way home he was mugged,and they took his phone,wallet,passport ect.He was also beaten up.

This has happened everytime Im due to go away.
He is an alcoholic and bipolar,he is a very selfish person.Yes I know its an illness but We have had to put up with this for over 20 years or more.Alot worse things to.
He is like the boy who cried wolf,you never know what is true anymore.

He does this to me everytime,I then feel guilty leaving mum & dad to cope while Im on holiday.:weep:
Im just so flippin angry tonight.:mad: :mad: :mad:
You never know what that next phone call is going be,or the next knock at the door.

It will now take me hours to go to sleep,sorry for ranting,didnt know what else to do.:weep: :weep: :weep:

30-08-07, 10:17
Hey Ellen,
Hope you got some sleep in the end. I'm sorry you have to go through this. I know what you mean, you can reach a stage where you cant feel sorry for someone anymore, especially if selfishness is involved in their behaviour. You can't live your life doing what is best for him all the time, you must think of yourself too no matter how desperate he seems.
Although I must say i admire you for dealing with this for so long, you sound like you've been very selfless and caring for you brother which is a big achievement, but as i said it can't go on like this if it is making you unhappy.

Beauty xxx

30-08-07, 15:24
Hi Ellen
Hugs - But I think you do need to go away (cos' you are doing so well at this going away - I am so jealous of you) cos' it is valuable time for you and your partner.

Your parents will be worried sick about you if you stay at home. You can phone them every evening if you need to. But you will achieve little if you stay at home apart from brother making sure you have a grotty time.


30-08-07, 15:44
Thank you Beauty an Sam.
My brother is a very selfish person,but when he isnt drinking he is totally different.

My problem is I always worry about everyone else first,I find it very hard to change.Hopefully when Im away I can shut off from it a while.:hugs:

30-08-07, 19:36
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Ellen

Luv Kaz x x x

30-08-07, 20:18
I Know Exactly What Your Going Thru Ellen And Yes It Sucks Always Happened Or Happens When I Have Finnaly Have A Plan Or What Ever It Be..i Find It Hard To Think Of Myself Actually I Never Think Of Myself Cause Im Always Trying To Help Others With There Probs..........but We Must Stop How I Dont Know Yet But Im Sure Gonna Try To Figure It Out..try And Enjoy Ya Time Away I Know Ya Feeling Nervous Leaving Him With Ya Parents To Deal With...but You Need Time For You..wish Ya The Best.......linda Xxx