View Full Version : Insomnia

07-12-18, 21:43
Hi I was experiencing insomnia after the increase of escitalopram from 5 to 10mg, the psychiatrist temporarily put me in 7.5mg of mirtazapine which resolved the problem but he denies that it is a side effect since it says that my anxiety is the cause and my psychologist CBT agrees, has anyone experienced insomnia no matter what the cause? for how long and how did you solve it? Thank you.

08-12-18, 01:13
SSRIs suppress REM sleep and certainly many people report insomnia on them. This can either be difficulty in getting off to sleep or in difficulty maintaining sleep. Or sometimes even both.

One way the negative effects SSRIs have on sleep can be reduced is by taking your dose in the morning, i.e. as soon as you waken up.

To help your insomnia, practice good sleep hygiene. Type into Google: NHS Sleep Hygiene tips and this will give you good results.

If this fails, go to your pharmacist and ask about the following:

* Valerian: Herbal, relatively low cost, some people find it effective
* Sedating antihistamines: Diphenhydramine (Nytol in the UK)

Or get your doctor to prescribe:
* Temazepam 10mg-20mg

But please, speak to your doctor about the possibility of taking your Escitalopram in the morning. Often, that's all patients need to see their sleep improve.

Best of luck