View Full Version : Brain eating amoebas... help

07-12-18, 23:43
So long story short, my teen daughter neglected her aquarium. I saw it today and cleaned it. (she is at her dads) there were some kind of small round things floating on the water. I was careful, clean and everything around was cleaned..... But now I am afraid that I have inhaled amoebas and that I will die... I am afraid my daughter inhaled them while asleep and will die. I know it's probably not logical as I am not sure they are airborne (google didn't help much witn that) the tank is covered etc. But I am freaking out.

08-12-18, 00:27
More chance of it raining kittens!

These brain-eating amoebas should be BANNED by the WHO :lac:

08-12-18, 00:29

Where does the water come from that you fill said aquarium with? From your water taps. Do you worry when you drink that you've got infected with brain eating amoeba? No. And you shouldn't - you live in Canada (I assume from your flag) where water is chlorinated

Chlorine kills brain eating amoeba.

Forget about this incident.

08-12-18, 00:54
I am afraid that I have inhaled amoebas and that I will die...

I am afraid my daughter inhaled them while asleep and will die.

(google didn't help much witn that)

But I am freaking out.


08-12-18, 01:13
You do realize you have a better chance of having a skunk run into your house and spray everywhere, forcing you to leave your house and sleep in a hotel, then getting bed bugs in that hotel, and having to buy new pajamas, and narrowly missing getting hit by a car in the parking lot as you exit the store with your new pajamas only to then get crushed by a falling meteor in the spot where you just leapt to safety from the car, than of an amoeba in a fish tank, right?

But you say "probably illogical". Why give your distorted thoughts even a foothold with "probably"?

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08-12-18, 01:18
You do realize you have a better chance of having a skunk run into your house and spray everywhere, forcing you to leave your house and sleep in a hotel, then getting bed bugs in that hotel, and having to buy new pajamas, and narrowly missing getting hit by a car in the parking lot as you exit the store with your new pajamas only to then get crushed by a falling meteor in the spot where you just leapt to safety from the car, than of an amoeba in a fish tank, right?

Dang that's a good analogy! :D Certainly illustrates the probability :roflmao: Much better than my "sky is green" analogy ;)

Positive thoughts

08-12-18, 01:39
Hey thanks fishmanpa! Glad to hear your interview went well, best of luck!

Idk where you live, (Pennsylvania?) but I'm in the Chicago area and in a high tornado possible chance the sky can actually turn green! I've seen it a couple times in my life, scary and freaky! (luckily no tornado though)

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

08-12-18, 01:43
More chance of it raining kittens!

These brain-eating amoebas should be BANNED by the WHO :lac:

To be fair, I'm not sure how much influence on medical matters Roger Daltrey has. :winks::yesyes:

08-12-18, 01:48
Radiogaga the water comes from the tap. But I know dri king water with amoebas in it would not affect you they die. But having them pass through the nose is different.
(thank you Google) they thrive in lakes and that fish tank was bad.
Jayray23 thank you for the laugh.i guess this thought started when I opened my phone and saw a news story of a women who died of them from a neti pot....
Feeling a little better now though.
Thanks 😊

08-12-18, 01:53
The amoebas are microscopic and not visible to the eye without a microscope. Whatever you were seeing was NOT the brain eating amoeba.

08-12-18, 01:59
But having them pass through the nose is different. (thank you Google)

Yes, thank you google for giving us another expert on brain eating amoebas! :blush:

bin tenn
08-12-18, 04:07
Radiogaga the water comes from the tap. But I know dri king water with amoebas in it would not affect you they die. But having them pass through the nose is different.
(thank you Google) they thrive in lakes and that fish tank was bad.
Jayray23 thank you for the laugh.i guess this thought started when I opened my phone and saw a news story of a women who died of them from a neti pot....
Feeling a little better now though.
Thanks 😊

As soon as I read the post title, and the post itself, I suspected you had read that story about the woman in Seattle, WA. Did you not also read the part that stated only 109 cases of the amoeba were reported (in the U.S.) between 1974 and 2016? That's 109 cases in FORTY-TWO YEARS. That's roughly 2.6 cases per year ... 2.6 out of 320 million+ total population.